Music video by Cracker performing Turn On Tune In Drop Out

This Music video by Cracker performing "Turn On Tune In Drop Out", says what I think people should be doing right now, if you ask me.

Does Cracker know something most people don't? :)
Note; Click on the Title to link to the Music Video...Embedding is disabled by request


Anonymous said...

video not available over here,damn.

JediTheOne said...

Hi Master.

Man, Europe sucks some times, as it does here. hehe.

But let's see if you can view the new vid I just posted on JediTheOne. Check out "The One Minute Cure". It's a profound discovery. Let me know if you can see that vid.

Nuff Said!

JediTheOne said...

The Cracker's song "Turn On Tune In Drop Out" is great. See if you can search it on YouTube. The one posted here was done as a very good Music Vedio but there are other versions of Cracker performing it in concert. You can get to hear the song at least.

Nuff Said!

Anonymous said...

I found a copy,nice message.What is the one minute cure ,Do I have to buy the book to find out?I watched the vid and am very intrigued.Oh there is something at the door for you hehe.

JediTheOne said...

It's about how to increase O2(oxygen) levels in the body. Disease can't survive in an O2 rich enviornment in the body. It looks like the real thing.

And yes you have to get the book for all the info but it looks like it's worth investigating. Check my blog for details at the bottom of the post.

I just found the information yesterday. I'll be ordering one myself to check in to it further.

Nuff Said!

DonnyDarkoh said...

Re: turn on tune in drop out lyrics

She wants granite countertops, and he wants her to hand stitch their TeePee. I sense that couple will have to go through a lot of adjustments. It's true - how will guns protect them in the next pandemic? Once they're sick, they could care less if Big Brother's watching them. Big Brother doesn't give a shit as long as you don't get in the way. They may watch just so they can study best how to manipulate you.

For a new weaponized swine flu / chemtrail / vaccine link, google this:

"Chem Trails + Swine Flu - What You Must Know!!!"

The link says the chemtrails will make the lungs more sensitive to catching viruses, and the virus will be released in the flu vaccine (p.12). It is planned that recently vaccinated people could be carriers of the disease for up to 3 weeks before becoming sick themselves. When you see the new strange chemtrail clouds, just stay inside a lot and take a lot of hot showers.

Ignore the panicky 5th dimensional 3-12 DNA helix bullshit.

I had a secretary who was a hand-washing freak. She said she had not been sick for over 10 years. But she really was a FREAK. To avoid getting germs on her hands, she would open commercial doors with that door lever thing with her elbow. She'd open the lady's bathroom door that had a handle with a paper towel. Every time someone would borrow the phone in our office, she'd lysol the phone. The whole office would get sick sometimes except for her. Probably because the whole office drank coffee out of the same pot. 90% of disease is spread via hand to mouth. So stop picking your damn nose people! And wash your hands after you take a crap. You'll smell a whole lot better.

Anonymous said...

Grocery cart handles are the worst,dirtiest,nasty things we touch.Always wash after touching them.Some stores even carry wipes to wipe them down before use.I try not to touch alot of door handles to and I don't get sick very often.Poor kids at school get sick the most.One kid with a cold gives it to half the class.My kids are catching shit all the time.

Anonymous said...

Heres a good pot video for you

DonnyDarkoh said...

Master Crumbles, I didn't know you had kids..
You realize that someone's gotta homeschool them and keep them in one place when your country's vaccination campaign kicks off.
You should make a post on your flu plan. I'm interested to hear what people will do. I'll happily rant about what I'll do.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 boys 16 and 10.I don't know if they give vaccines in German schools.But I damn sure wouldn't let my kids have one.

Germany-land of the beat down docile sheep lol

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DonnyDarkoh said...

I saw the article on giving vaccines in schools. But it's not how it's portrayed on Teachers aren't going to force vaccinate kids without parental consent on a normal school day.

The vaccine campaign will occur after all school classes are canceled. Then parents will have the option of voluntarily whisking Junior by a local elementary school building to get a free shot. Parents will have to sign Junior's life away on the usual informed consent release forms.

When people start getting sick, local volunteers will knock on their door and tell them they have the option of going to a community containment center down their street if their house isn't appropriately stocked with water, food, and medical care supplies. Just like unprepared people in the Katrina disaster had the option to go to the Dome.

Anonymous said...

Oh sounds like a big slumber party,I can't wait.

Unknown said...

Check out DarkStar & JediTheOne for several new & interesting posts. One post is like a NEMESIS style. Take care

