Buddhism Explained

Are you seeking a purpose in life?This 13 part video series explores what Buddha said our true nature was,attaining the Buddhahood.The series features narration from Keanu Reeves and Richard Gere.I am not advocating us all becoming Buddhists,but I am sure we could all learn something from men who spent 100s of years passing down knowledge to each other learned from the exploration of their minds.

Laws of power in the matrix

Lack of awareness puts a person into the domain of illusion and misperception. Once there, it is easy for the matrix or its operators to inject false speculation into the minds of the intended targets of sabotage. The less information one has about a particular situation, the more he will tend to speculate. Like a game of Wheel of Fortune, the less letters already chosen by contestants, the greater the possibility that the hidden word could be almost anything. Because there are so many possibilities that would fit the limited facts one has, such possibilities must include a great portion of incorrect guesses, illusions. Because such possibilities are weighted equally until another piece of information comes along to shift favor to one or the other, it is during speculation that the matrix finds an opportune time to nudge a person’s perceptions toward false conclusions. It can do so directly by emotional manipulation and memory suppression, or it can do so with false data introduced to him synchronistically. Not all data you could encounter via synchronicity is false, but be aware that some of it surely is.

Such sabotage typically happens to split apart two people or a network which poses a threat to the matrix’s agenda. This happens best when one or more of the people targetted is much more unaware than the other, and therefore becomes an easy conduit of attack. Whether one is unaware or both are, between them there is usually a lack of full understanding of each other’s personality and circumstances. This may be due either out of social custom not to be nosy, lack of time to become more acquainted, or fear, mistrust, and ignorance. The latter factors make a relationship most vulnerable to sabotage. Fear causes mistrust, leading to ignorance of facts contrary to paranoid speculations, and limits the informational exchange between people involved. With lack of information, speculation arises, and such speculation is manipulated by the matrix toward false conclusions and soon the relationship breaks apart due to misunderstandings on both sides of the cleavage. It is a tactic of divide and conquer. This is why love and trust between two or more aware people is the biggest threat possible to the matrix — it forms an invincible and indivisible unit more powerful than the sum of its parts. The matrix must then resort to treating this unit as a single entity and manipulate other people into attacking it from the outside…but the network or relationship is now stronger than any single person.

Such a network is impossible between individuals who are not collinear. Collinearity is the quality of sharing the same direction of spiritual evolution, even if there are differences in awareness. Two individuals who are collinear but not equally aware can provide for a pleasant teaching/learning experience. But two who are not collinear will be in conflict because each will be resistant to the other and both are going different directions in life. Among collinear individuals, it is merely separations in awareness that allow the matrix to create misperceptions and disruption. So it is important for a collinear couple to be completely honest with each other and on equal ground.

Learn wisdom from the Yogi masters

We are all experiencing our own reality tunnel.If you let someone else define your reality you are living in hell.If you define your own reality you live in heaven.Sad people lead sad lives .Happy people lead happy lives.
Robert Anton Wilson

The effects of animal fats on the human body

Something to think about when your eating that steak and eggs and washing it down with a glass of milk.

Illuminatimatrix wisdom

Energy Is The Light – Light is the Corruptor

This plan will be stopped, and will be stopped once and for all. The vicious cycle of war, death, greed and the like is doomed to failure. Realizing that this horror is only hypnosis, simply the manipulation of our minds through the manipulation of light, then it ends. Light is energy and it’s this thing called energy that is the culprit behind war, death, greed, etc. It is energy that must be destroyed, or more accurately, energy must be ignored as having any value. Of course, every scientific thinking person knows that energy can’t be destroyed and to even suggest such a thing is basically blasphemy. This is the hypnosis!
Energy is simply a thought form. Thoughts are always lies. Lies can be destroyed with awareness. Therefore energy can be destroyed with awareness.

To say that energy can’t be destroyed is tantamount to saying that lucifer, the light bringer, is indeed the great god, and that the doctrine of energy (light) not being able to be destroyed, is the eternal truth. However, science is seance, and the source of all scientific thought permeates, like everything else in this 3D realm, from the characteristics of a beam of light. Awareness of what this entity is, not only harmlessly and painlessly, annihilates its power, but it liberates all of humanity, never to be imprisoned again. That even includes the Bush family, corrupt as they are. They just don’t understand how they’ve been manipulated and do sincerely believe they’re doing the will of god and the very best thing for the world. Mind you, that world they envision is minus many millions of souls sacrificed, so that they can reign with their god.

Remember this, the lucifer entity is light. Everything is formed of light which is energy. Therefore, if you see something in a 3 dimensional form, you’re looking at energy, light and the luciferian entity.

Again I ask you to be aware of this. We’re not just up against human governments and the rich and powerful elite. We can only stop this lunacy by realizing we are up against a corrupt entity whose only power is hypnosis. That’s all it has! It’s hypnosis only affects us if we cling to the belief that this 3 dimensional realm has any worth. The real worth is realized when we take it all back, when we become aware that the 3 dimensional space is not even a fraction of the joy, beauty, power, wisdom and ecstacy of our original spiritual state. The light maker, the energy maker, the luciferian thought form, does not want you to be aware that light corrupts and kills. Light is, in itself, death. In other words light is darkness. This is the pupil, the hexagram of the all seeing eye, it is black when all the light energy is left together. This colour black, is the origin, the Matrix Womb of the thought form and the actual garden of creation.

Light is energy, light is death, and therefore energy is death. We’re taught to believe that the absence of energy is death, but that is a total distortion of reality. Energy is everything you see and hear in this 3D moment. We’re in this moment, but we’re not stuck here, and we do have the power within each one of us to take back our true eternal state, to take back reality. The only thing allowing the physical illusion to continue its’ hold is hypnosis. This understanding will pull the veils of deceit aside, and this awareness is the end of the lie. Realize that the lie is unawareness. Connect with the awareness already in you and the lie ends. The lie is a thought form that manipulates wisdom. Lies manipulate wisdom by spinning in circles, extremely fast, creating a 3 dimensional blur that you have no ability to see through. These are called electrons, the negative female energy of the atom. Everything 3 dimensional, the visible form we see, is the woman. This is the worship of the sun god, the worship of the son of god, also called the worship of the woman.
Thought/Sound Forms – The Foundation of Life/Death – The Basis of Duality – Kaballism – The Manipulation of Matter

Thoughts generate sound, that in turn creates a confusing blurring effect, to inhibit our ability to connect to our awareness and wisdom. This confusion and blurring is the result of the electrons of the atom spinning at an extreme rate of speed, causing the 3 dimensional realm to appear. This thought sound form is the basis of all matter. Thought/sound forms, cause vibrations and stimulus that interfers with the ability to connect to the non-vibrational wisdom, and non-vibrational awareness, and forms matter. Thought/sound forms are the basis and foundation, the very beginning, of light. And it is not good! Light in turn creates every illusion we see, and in turn every illusion we see is corruptible and temporal. Along with this physical illusion comes the subliminal message that things matter. Well, the truth of the matter is, nothing matters. Everything is corrupt and worthless. Only the awareness of this very concept, knowing that everything in the 3 dimensional realm is worthless, has any worth. All matter is energy, which is light, which is everything you see and hear. This light energy is thrust at us subliminally and not so subliminally, every second of every day. The trick is to not believe it as being real. Continue to do whatever it is you do, for no thing is any more corrupt than any other thing. Just don’t believe there is any worth in anything, in this 3 dimensional space. In so doing, this hypnotic illusion snaps, and you and me, everyone, is free. Realize that it is the luciferian master hypnotist just screwing with our minds, playing the good god and the wicked devil, and playing it very mercilessly.

What has just been described is the kaballism knowledge given to the so-called elect of god throughout the ages. This is the ability to basically create and manipulate matter one molecule at a time. This is the most powerful luciferian knowledge available to humanity. It is all based on demonism and deceit, and because of this, is practised in our everyday cultures throughout the world and considered common and normal. It is not common or normal. We call it christianity, judaism, science, magic, entertainment, business…and so on. Every world system employs Kaballa techniques, causing the massive lunacy we see everywhere.

Google Ads

I put the google ads up out of curiosity to see what type ads their search algorhythms would link to this blog.Googleads are a joke and complete waste of bandwidth.If you want to see who is making money off of them just look at the skyrocketing price of google stock shares.It's like Las Vegas and their huge casinos built thanks to all the losers.I'm sure if everyone that came to this blog clicked on one of these ads that by the end of the year I could take my earnings and buy the family dinner at Burger Queer,so go ahead click away I'm hungry.

In all spiritual science there is a fundamental principle which cannot be transgressed without sacrificing success. It runs as follows: All knowledge pursued merely for the enrichment of personal learning and the accumulation of personal treasure leads you away from the path; but all knowledge pursued for growth to ripeness within the process of human ennoblement and cosmic development brings you a step forward. This law must be strictly observed, and no student is genuine until he has adopted it as a guide for his whole life. This truth can be expressed in the following short sentence: Every idea which does not become your ideal slays a force in your soul; every idea which becomes your ideal creates within you life-forces.

At the very beginning of his course, the student is directed to the path of veneration and the development of the inner life. Spiritual science now also gives him practical rules by observing which he may tread that path and develop that inner life. These practical rules have no arbitrary origin. They rest upon ancient experience and ancient wisdom, and are given out in the same manner, wheresoever the ways to higher knowledge are indicated. All true teachers of the spiritual life are in agreement as to the substance of these rules, even though they do not always clothe them in the same words. This difference, which is of a minor character and is more apparent than real, is due to circumstances which need not be dwelt upon here.

No teacher of the spiritual life wishes to establish a mastery over other persons by means of such rules. He would not tamper with anyone's independence. Indeed, none respect and cherish human independence more than the spiritually experienced. It was stated in the preceding pages that the bond of union embracing all initiates is spiritual, and that two laws form, as it were, clasps by which the component parts of this bond are held together. Whenever the initiate leaves his enclosed spiritual sphere and steps forth before the world, he must immediately take a third law into account. It is this: Adapt each one of your actions, and frame each one of your words in such a way that you infringe upon no one's free-will.

The recognition that all true teachers of the spiritual life are permeated through and through with this principle will convince all who follow the practical rules proffered to them that they need sacrifice none of their independence.

One of the first of these rules can be expressed somewhat in the following words of our language: Provide for yourself moments of inner tranquility, and in these moments learn to distinguish between the essential and the non-essential. It is said advisedly: “expressed in the words of our language.” Originally all rules and teachings of spiritual science were expressed in a symbolical sign-language, some understanding of which must be acquired before its whole meaning and scope can be realized. This understanding is dependent on the first steps toward higher knowledge, and these steps result from the exact observation of such rules as are here given. For all who earnestly will, the path stands open to tread.

Simple, in truth, is the above rule concerning moments of inner tranquility; equally simple is its observation. But it only achieves its purpose when it is observed in as earnest and strict a manner as it is, in itself, simple. How this rule is to be observed will, therefore, be explained without digression.

The student must set aside a small part of his daily life in which to concern himself with something quite different from the objects of his daily occupation. The way, also, in which he occupies himself at such a time must differ entirely from the way in which he performs the rest of his daily duties. But this does not mean that what he does in the time thus set apart has no connection with his daily work. On the contrary, he will soon find that just these secluded moments, when sought in the right way, give him full power to perform his daily task[s]. Nor must it be supposed that the observance of this rule will really encroach upon the time needed for the performance of his duties. Should anyone really have no more time at his disposal, five minutes a day will suffice. It all depends on the manner in which these five minutes are spent.

During these periods the student should wrest himself entirely free from his work-a-day life. His thoughts and feelings should take on a different coloring. His joys and sorrows, his cares, experiences and actions must pass in review before his soul; and he must adopt such a position that he may regard all his sundry experiences from a higher point of view.

We need only bear in mind how, in ordinary life, we regard the experiences and actions of others quite differently from our own. This cannot be otherwise, for we are interwoven with our own actions and experiences, whereas those of others we only contemplate. Our aim in these moments of seclusion must be so to contemplate and judge our own actions and experiences as though they applied not to ourselves but to some other person. Suppose, for example, a heavy misfortune befalls us. How different would be our attitude toward a similar misfortune had it befallen our neighbor. This attitude cannot be blamed as unjustifiable; it is part of human nature, and applies equally to exceptional circumstances and to the daily affairs of life. The student must seek the power of confronting himself, at certain times, as a stranger. He must stand before himself with the inner tranquility of a judge. When this is attained, our own experiences present themselves in a new light. As long as we are interwoven with them and stand, as it were, within them, we cling to the non-essential just as much as to the essential. If we attain the calm inner survey, the essential is severed from the non-essential. Sorrow and joy, every thought, every resolve, appear different when we confront ourselves in this way. It is as though we had spent the whole day in a place where we beheld the smallest objects at the same close range as the largest, and in the evening climbed a neighboring hill and surveyed the whole scene at a glance. Then the various parts appear related to each other in different proportions from those they bore when seen from within. This exercise will not and need not succeed with present occurrences of destiny, but it should be attempted by the student in connection with the events of destiny already experienced in the past. The value of such inner tranquil self-contemplation depends far less on what is actually contemplated than on our finding within ourselves the power which such inner tranquility develops.

For every human being bears a higher man within himself besides what we may call the work-a-day man. This higher man remains hidden until he is awakened. And each human being can himself alone awaken this higher being within himself. As long as this higher being is not awakened, the higher faculties slumbering in every human being, and leading to supersensible knowledge, will remain concealed. The student must resolve to persevere in the strict and earnest observation of the rule here given, so long as he does not feel within himself the fruits of this inner tranquility. To all who thus persevere the day will come when spiritual light will envelop them, and a new world will be revealed to an organ of sight of whose presence within them they were never aware.

And no change need take place in the outward life of the student in consequence of this new rule. He performs his duties and, at first, feels the same joys, sorrows, and experiences as before. In no way can it estrange him from life; he can rather devote himself the more thoroughly to this life for the remainder of the day, having gained a higher life in the moments set apart. Little by little this higher life will make its influence felt on his ordinary life. The tranquility of the moments set apart will also affect everyday existence. In his whole being he will grow calmer; he will attain firm assurance in all his actions, and cease to be put out of countenance by all manner of incidents. By thus advancing he will gradually become more and more his own guide, and allow himself less and less to be led by circumstances and external influences. He will soon discover how great a source of strength is available to him in these moments thus set apart. He will begin no longer to get angry at things which formerly annoyed him; countless things he formerly feared cease to alarm him. He acquires a new outlook on life. Formerly he may have approached some occupation in a fainthearted way. He would say: “Oh, I lack the power to do this as well as I could wish.” Now this thought does not occur to him, but rather a quite different thought. Henceforth he says to himself: “I will summon all my strength to do my work as well as I possibly can.” And he suppresses the thought which makes him faint-hearted; for he knows that this very thought might be the cause of a worse performance on his part, and that in any case it cannot contribute to the improvement of his work. And thus thought after thought, each fraught with advantage to his whole life, flows into the student's outlook. They take the place of those that had a hampering, weakening effect. He begins to steer his own ship on a secure course through the waves of life, whereas it was formerly battered to and fro by these waves.

This calm and serenity react on the whole being. They assist the growth of the inner man, and, with the inner man, those faculties also grow which lead to higher knowledge. For it is by his progress in this direction that the student gradually reaches the point where he himself determines the manner in which the impressions of the outer world shall affect him. Thus he may hear a word spoken with the object of wounding or vexing him. Formerly it would indeed have wounded or vexed him, but now that he treads the path to higher knowledge, he is able — before the word has found its way to his inner self — to take from it the sting which gives it the power to wound or vex. Take another example. We easily become impatient when we are kept waiting, but — if we tread the path to higher knowledge — we so steep ourselves in our moments of calm with the feeling of the uselessness of impatience that henceforth, on every occasion of impatience, this feeling is immediately present within us. The impatience that was about to make itself felt vanishes, and an interval which would otherwise have been wasted in expressions of impatience will be filled by useful observations, which can be made while waiting.

Now, the scope and significance of these facts must be realized. We must bear in mind that the higher man within us is in constant development. But only the state of calm and serenity here described renders an orderly development possible. The waves of outward life constrain the inner man from all sides if, instead of mastering this outward life, it masters him. Such a man is like a plant which tries to expand in a cleft in the rock and is stunted in growth until new space is given it. No outward forces can supply space to the inner man. It can only be supplied by the inner calm which man himself gives to his soul. Outward circumstances can only alter the course of his outward life; they can never awaken the inner spiritual man. The student must himself give birth to a new and higher man within himself.

This higher man now becomes the inner ruler who directs the circumstances of the outer man with sure guidance. As long as the outer man has the upper hand and control, this inner man is his slave and therefore cannot unfold his powers. If it depends on something other than myself whether I should get angry or not, I am not master of myself, or, to put it better, I have not yet found the ruler within myself. I must develop the faculty of letting the impressions of the outer world approach me only in the way in which I myself determine; then only do I become in the real sense a student. And only in as far as the student earnestly seeks this power can he reach the goal. It is of no importance how far anyone can go in a given time; the point is that he should earnestly seek. Many have striven for years without noticing any appreciable progress; but many of those who did not despair, but remained unshaken, have then quite suddenly achieved the inner victory.

No doubt a great effort is required in many stations of life to provide these moments of inner calm; but the greater the effort needed, the more important is the achievement. In spiritual science everything depends upon energy, inward truthfulness, and uncompromising sincerity with which we confront our own selves, with all our deeds and actions, as a complete stranger.

But only one side of the student's inner activity is characterized by this birth of his own higher being. Something else is needed in addition. Even if he confronts himself as a stranger it is only himself that he contemplates; he looks on those experiences and actions with which he is connected through his particular station of life. He must now disengage himself from it and rise beyond to a purely human level, which no longer has anything to do with his own special situation. He must pass on to the contemplation of those things which would concern him as a human being, even if he lived under quite different circumstances and in quite a different situation. In this way something begins to live within him which ranges above the purely personal. His gaze is directed to worlds higher than those with which every-day life connects him. And thus he begins to feel and realize, as an inner experience, that he belongs to those higher worlds. These are worlds concerning which his senses and his daily occupation can tell him nothing. Thus he now shifts the central point of his being to the inner part of his nature. He listens to the voices within him which speak to him in his moments of tranquility; he cultivates an intercourse with the spiritual world. He is removed from the every-day world. Its noise is silenced. All around him there is silence. He puts away everything that reminds him of such impressions from without. Calm inward contemplation and converse with the purely spiritual world fill his soul. — Such tranquil contemplation must become a natural necessity in the life of the student. He is now plunged in a world of thought. He must develop a living feeling for this silent thought-activity. He must learn to love what the spirit pours into him. He will soon cease to feel that this thought-world is less real than the every-day things which surround him. He begins to deal with his thoughts as with things in space, and the moment approaches when he begins to feel that which reveals itself in the silent inward thought-work to be much higher, much more real, than the things in space. He discovers that something living expresses itself in this thought-world. He sees that his thoughts do not merely harbor shadow-pictures, but that through them hidden beings speak to him. Out of the silence, speech becomes audible to him. Formerly sound only reached him through his ear; now it resounds through his soul. An inner language, an inner word is revealed to him. This moment, when first experienced, is one of greatest rapture for the student. An inner light is shed over the whole external world, and a second life begins for him. Through his being there pours a divine stream from a world of divine rapture.

This life of the soul in thought, which gradually widens into a life in spiritual being, is called by Gnosis, and by Spiritual Science, Meditation (contemplative reflection). This meditation is the means to supersensible knowledge. But the student in such moments must not merely indulge in feelings; he must not have indefinite sensations in his soul. That would only hinder him from reaching true spiritual knowledge. His thoughts must be clear, sharp and definite, and he will be helped in this if he does not cling blindly to the thoughts that rise within him. Rather must he permeate himself with the lofty thoughts by which men already advanced and possessed of the spirit were inspired at such moments. He should start with the writings which themselves had their origin in just such revelation during meditation. In the mystic, gnostic and spiritual scientific literature of today the student will find such writings, and in them the material for his meditation. The seekers of the spirit have themselves set down in such writings the thoughts of the divine science which the Spirit has directed his messengers to proclaim to the world.

Through such meditation a complete transformation takes place in the student. He begins to form quite new conceptions of reality. All things acquire a fresh value for him. It cannot be repeated too often that this transformation does not alienate him from the world. He will in no way be estranged from his daily tasks and duties, for he comes to realize that the most insignificant action he has to accomplish, the most insignificant experience which offers itself to him, stands in connection with cosmic beings and cosmic events. When once this connection is revealed to him in his moments of contemplation, he comes to his daily activities with a new, fuller power. For now he knows that his labor and his suffering are given and endured for the sake of a great, spiritual, cosmic whole. Not weariness, but strength to live springs from meditation.

With firm step the student passes through life. No matter what it may bring him, he goes forward erect. In the past he knew not why he labored and suffered, but now he knows. It is obvious that such meditation leads more surely to the goal if conducted under the direction of experienced persons who know of themselves how everything may best be done; and their advice and guidance should be sought. Truly, no one loses his freedom thereby. What would otherwise be mere uncertain groping in the dark becomes under this direction purposeful work. All who apply to those possessing knowledge and experience in these matters will never apply in vain, only they must realize that what they seek is the advice of a friend, not the domination of a would-be ruler. It will always be found that they who really know are the most modest of men, and that nothing is further from their nature than what is called the lust for power.

When, by means of meditation, a man rises to union with the spirit, he brings to life the eternal in him, which is limited by neither birth nor death. The existence of this eternal being can only be doubted by those who have not themselves experienced it. Thus meditation is the way which also leads man to the knowledge, to the contemplation of his eternal, indestructible, essential being; and it is only through meditation that man can attain to such knowledge. Gnosis and Spiritual Science tell of the eternal nature of this being and of its reincarnation. The question is often asked: Why does a man know nothing of his experiences beyond the borders of life and death? Not thus should we ask, but rather: How can we attain such knowledge? In right meditation the path is opened. This alone can revive the memory of experiences beyond the border of life and death. Everyone can attain this knowledge; in each one of us lies the faculty of recognizing and contemplating for ourselves what genuine Mysticism, Spiritual Science, Anthroposophy, and Gnosis teach. Only the right means must be chosen. Only a being with ears and eyes can apprehend sounds and colors; nor can the eye perceive if the light which makes things visible is wanting. Spiritual Science gives the means of developing the spiritual ears and eyes, and of kindling the spiritual light; and this method of spiritual training: (1) Preparation; this develops the spiritual senses. (2) Enlightenment; this kindles the spiritual light. (3) Initiation; this establishes intercourse with the higher spiritual beings.

George Carlin

Here he is giving his famous speech about religion that was used in the 1st Zeitgeist movie.

Meditative thought of the day

A further point of importance is what spiritual science calls orientation in the higher worlds. This is attained when the student is permeated, through and through, with the conscious realization that feelings and thoughts are just as much veritable realities as are tables and chairs in the world of the physical senses. In the soul and thought world, feelings and thoughts react upon each other just as do physical objects in the physical world. As long as the student is not vividly permeated with this consciousness, he will not believe that a wrong thought in his mind may have as devastating an effect upon other thoughts that spread life in the thought world as the effect wrought by a bullet fired at random upon the physical objects it hits. He will perhaps never allow himself to perform a physically visible action which he considers to be wrong, though he will not shrink from harboring wrong thoughts and feelings, for these appear harmless to the rest of the world. There can be no progress, however, on the path to higher knowledge unless we guard our thoughts and feelings in just the same way we guard out steps in the physical world. If we see a wall before us, we do not attempt to dash right through it, but turn aside. In other words, we guide ourselves by the laws of the physical world. There are such laws, too, for the soul and thought world, only they cannot impose themselves on us from without. They must flow out of the life of the soul itself. This can be attained if we forbid ourselves to harbor wrong thoughts and feelings. All arbitrary flitting to and fro in thought, all accidental ebbing and flowing of emotion must be forbidden in the same way. In so doing we do not become deficient in feeling. On the contrary, if we regulate our inner life in this way, we shall soon find ourselves becoming rich in feelings and creative with genuine imagination. In the place of petty emotionalism and capricious flights of thought, there appear significant emotions and thoughts that are fruitful.

You guys might have seen this one before.It's very well made and educational.It explains how corporations got their power.

Music video by Cracker performing Turn On Tune In Drop Out

This Music video by Cracker performing "Turn On Tune In Drop Out", says what I think people should be doing right now, if you ask me.

Does Cracker know something most people don't? :)
Note; Click on the Title to link to the Music Video...Embedding is disabled by request

Symbolism in the Flag

US. FLAG Pictures, Images and Photos

Ok check this synchronistic elite luceferianism.First off the stars are pentagrams,and there are 13 stripes ,both occult symbolism.But look at the stars closely.9 horizontal lines of 6 and 5 stars I bet you never saw it either:take the 9 add the 6 and 5,put them together 911.No biggie,just something to think about.


It had been almost two years since the grocery stores had emptied out.He had grown use to eating on a subsistence level.It was just him ,his wife and two sons 15 and 9,it was all the family he had left.The sickness and starvation had killed the rest.
Stop the starvation Pictures, Images and Photos
His oldest son was slowly dying from his lack of diabetes medicine.His wife looked like a skeleton.She did not thrive on a diet of roots ,bugs and worms.Any food to be found in the hollowed out town was not worth fighting for.He had tried to grow his own food but the seeds never seemed to grow and what they did produce was puny at best.

The meditation he practiced kept him going.He could sometimes go for weeks on no food.Ian she said ,"why do you bother with that silly new age crap"?
His wife Andrea mockingly asked on occasion.He would teasingly answer back ,"get back in the kitchen bitch and cook my dinner",then they would laugh.They had learned over the years to not take each other too seriously,Ian tried to keep it all a fun game even with all the death and pain around him.He new no other way to live his life,even with those he loved in pain he new he had to stay optimistic.The day his wife and sons died was the day the game ended and the hunt began.He would hunt the underground bunkers of the world til he found those responsible for the deaths of his loved ones and the billions of the others.He had heard rumors that the powerful had all moved underground.He would find them and have a little talk with the elite.

He buried his family and took off on foot to the south.The weather was warmer there,he could find food and stay warm.As he traveled he started witnessing the devastation.He traveled with no thought of his own comfort.He was a madman consumed with hate and pain.So many questions to ask.But to who would he ask them?The media blackout was final and complete.No radio,no print,no TV,no internet.He would have to rely on word of mouth news,rumours and heresay.As he walked out of town he pissed on the last standing church,then set it on fire.As the only priest left alive ran out of the building Ian hissed,"where you goin holyman"?He gutted him with his machete before the priest could answer,Ian didn't care where the lying hypocrite was going.

As Ian watched the flames die a stranger appeared from the smoky churchyard."Hello my name is Stuart" he said,"I saw what you did to the priest,do you think he really deserved that"?Ian replied,"I think I let him off easy".Just then they heard some muffled cries coming from under the altar.They kicked the embers away and found a trap door.Opening it they discovered a spiral staircase.They began their climb down towards the cries.They were led to a large chamber with hallways leading to 7 smaller rooms.Each room contained the dead bodies of emaciated,tortured and raped children.They rushed to the corner of the main chamber and found a 10 year old boy crying out for help.Ian gave him a drink of water and held the boy as he lay dying."Thank you" the boy said,then he whispered with his last breath,"please stop the horror".

How to Hypnotize Someone

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Master Crumbles at work

It is easy to hypnotize a person who wants to be hypnotized and is able to do so, because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotist merely functions as a guide or a personal trainer to help you to focus your imagination more effectively. Though not impossible, it is extremely difficult to hypnotize someone covertly or against their will. We are only now beginning to realize what achievements the human mind is capable of by means of hypnosis.


  1. How well people respond to hypnosis depends not only on their ability to respond to suggestion, but also on their beliefs and expectations about hypnosis and their trust and confidence in the person providing the suggestions. Thus, keep in mind that what you say to the subject before the induction is just as important, and perhaps even more important, than what you say during the induction itself.
  2. Before you begin, ask your subject if they have been hypnotized before, and inquire what the experience was like, so that you will have a better idea how to proceed.
  3. Briefly describe the procedure, and ask if there are any questions.
    • It is especially helpful to tell the subject ahead of time that they will clearly remember everything that happens. This serves as a "waking suggestion" which defines the experience in such a way that they are likely to remember everything, even if they otherwise might not. It is very useful in building trust, and in obtaining feedback when the session is over.
    • Reassure the subject that they cannot be made to do anything under hypnosis that they do not want to do.
    • You should also familiarize yourself with the list of frequently asked questions and the answers to them below, so that you will be prepared to answer most of the other questions a subject is likely to bring up.

  4. Most induction methods work about equally well, as long as the conditions mentioned in Step 1 have been adequately met (Lynn & Kirsch, 2006). The progressive relaxation method presented here is one of the easiest to learn and to use. (For others, see the Sources and Citations section.)
  5. When you are ready to proceed, ask your subject to sit or lie down in a comfortable position in a dimmed room where you are not likely to be disturbed for a while. Turn off cell phones and pagers. Make sure that your subject is not so tired that he or she will be inclined to fall asleep.
  6. Ask your subject to close his or her eyes, and imagine being in a "happy place" where one can feel comfortable and secure, such as relaxing in a meadow beside a gently running stream.
  7. Speak slowly, in a low, soothing, "hypnotic" voice timed to your subject's breathing, with considerable elaboration and repetition far beyond the point of boredom in an ordinary conversation.
  8. Ask your subject to relax all over, using words like these: "Just let your feet relax, and your legs relax. Feel your hips relaxing, and your waist relaxing. Feel your chest relaxing, and your arms relaxing. Your shoulders relaxing, and your neck and head relaxing. Feel your entire body relaxing, all over."
  9. Gradually change your instructions into suggestions which increase the strength of the feeling of relaxation. "You can feel yourself relaxing now. You can feel a heavy, relaxed feeling coming over you. And as I continue to talk, that heavy relaxed feeling will get stronger and stronger, until it carries you into a deep, peaceful state of hypnosis."
  10. Using your subject's breathing and body language as a guide, gradually make your suggestions more directive, using suggestions similar to the following. Repeat the suggestions a few times, much as you might repeat the verses and choruses of a song, until your subject appears to be totally relaxed.
    • "Every word that I utter is putting you faster and deeper, and faster and deeper, into a deep, peaceful state of hypnosis."
    • "Sinking down, and shutting down. Sinking down, and shutting down. Sinking down, and shutting down, shutting down completely."
    • "And the deeper you go, the deeper you are able to go. And the deeper you go, the deeper you want to go, and the more enjoyable the experience becomes."

  11. You can conclude your induction with words like: "Now you are resting comfortably in a deep, peaceful state of hypnosis, going deeper and faster and deeper and faster all of the time, until I bring you back. You will only accept those suggestions which are for your benefit, and that you are willing to accept."
  12. Provide positive suggestions which are specifically geared to achieving the goal. This will allow the subject to try out new attitudes, feelings, and behaviors which often are not voluntarily attainable.
    • You can also use the Best Me Technque (Gibbons, 2001, 2003) to create suggestions which enable your subjects to experience the rewards of a future goal now, in the present, when they are most needed for motivation, lessening or eliminating the need for will power.
    • If the suggested changes are more satisfying than the old patterns after everything is taken into account, they will be retained.
    • More than one hypnosis session may be necessary until the suggested changes are firmly rooted in the subject's life.

  13. Concluding the hypnotic session is even easier than inducing it, because all you have to do is essentially ask your subject to stop imagining.
    • You can begin by saying, "I'm going to count from one to five, and at the count of five you will be feeling wide awake, fully alert, and completely refreshed."
    • Start counting, interspersed with suggestions to the effect that the subject is waking up more and more, "and by the time I get to the count of five, you will be fully awake and feeling wonderful!"

  14. Discuss highlights of the session with the subject, and ask if there are any questions or if there is anything they would like to change.
  15. Now you should be able to re-induce hypnosis more easily. If your subject has responded well, repeat the session using a shorter induction and go over the positive suggestions you gave previously.
    • A series of two or three short inductions is usually more effective than a single longer one. This also allows more opportunity for the subject to provide feedback.
    • At the conclusion of each session, suggest that whenever your subject is willing to be hypnotized by you in the future, they will be able to enter hypnosis faster and go deeper each time because of the practice they have had.
    • It is possible at this point to suggest to a person who has responded well, "Whenever you are willing to be hypnotized by me in the future, all I will have to do is to clap my hands and say, 'Sleep!' [or use some other cue], and you will instantly go back into hypnosis, just as deep as you are right now." But most hypnotists and subjects prefer to continue using a brief induction containing positive suggestions for relaxation and enjoyment, to make sure that the induction is not intrusive and that the experience of hypnosis always remains a pleasant one.
    • Always be sure to emphasize how good the partner is going to feel when the session is over.


A video by Brian David Phillips, an Associate Professor in the English Department at National Chengchi University, Taiwan and the President of the Society of Experiential Trance, demonstrates how to hypnotize someone. This is actually many tapes in one, because at the end of Brian's demonstration you can click on any of the small icons at the bottom to watch another demonstration by yet another master hypnotist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following is a list of questions which are frequently asked by people who are about to experience hypnosis for the first time, and the answers to them (Gibbons, 2001). It's good to have a general idea about how to answer questions like these ahead of time, because confidence and trust are so important in determining how a person is going to respond to your induction.
  • What are you going to do? I will ask you to visualize some pleasant scenes, while I talk about how to use your own mental abilities more effectively. You can always refuse to do anything that you don't want to do, and you can always come out of the experience yourself if an emergency should come up.
  • What does it feel like to be in hypnosis? Most of us experience changes in our conscious awareness several times a day without realizing it. Any time you let your imagination go and just flow along with a piece of music or a verse of poetry, or get so involved in watching a movie or a television drama that you feel like you a part of the action instead of a part of the audience, you are experiencing a form of trance. Hypnosis is just a way of helping you to focus and define these changes in consciousness, in order to use your mental abilities more effectively.
  • Is it safe? Hypnosis is not an altered state of consciousness (as sleep is, for example), but an altered experience of consciousness, which is brought about by using suggestion to re-configure the properties of the imagination. And anything that can be imagined can be un-imagined just as easily.
  • If it's all just your imagination, then, what good is it? Don’t be confused by the tendency in English and many other languages to use the word "imaginary" as opposite in meaning to the word "real" -- and neither should it be confused with the term "image." The imagination is a very real group of mental abilities, whose potential we are just now beginning to explore, and which extends far beyond our ability to form mental images!
  • Can you make me do anything I don't want to do? When you're using hypnosis, you still have your own personality, and you're still you -- so you won't say or do anything that you wouldn't do in the very same situation without hypnosis, and you can easily refuse any suggestion that you don't want to accept. (That's why we call them "suggestions.")
  • What can I do in order to respond better? Hypnosis is very similar to letting yourself become absorbed in watching a sunset or the embers of a campfire, letting yourself flow with a piece of music or poetry, or feeling like you are part of the action instead of part of the audience when you are watching a movie. People who do not feel that they have been able to respond very well, on the other hand, sometimes find it difficult to relax in new situations. It all depends on your ability and willingness to go along with the instructions and suggestions that are provided.
  • What if I enjoy it so much that I don't want to come back? Sometimes you might not want a movie to end, because the movie is so enjoyable -- but you still come back to the real world, because you know it’s only a motion picture. Hypnotic suggestions are basically an exercise for the mind and the imagination, just like a movie script is. But you still come back to everyday life when the session is over, just like you come back at the end of a movie. However the hypnotist might need to try a couple times to pull you out. It is enjoyable being completely relaxed but you cant do much when hypnotized.
  • What if it doesn't work? Did you ever become so absorbed in your play as a child that you didn’t hear your mother’s voice calling you in for dinner? Or are you one of the many people who are able to wake up at a certain time each morning, just by deciding the night before that you are going to do so? We all have the ability to use our minds in ways we are not usually aware of, and some of us have developed these abilities more than others. If you just allow your thoughts to respond freely and naturally to the words and images as your guide, you'll be able to go wherever your mind can take you!


  • It is preferable to use the term "hypnosis partner" in place of the more traditional term, "hypnotic subject," with its implications of dominance and submission, because hypnosis is an active collaboration between two people working toward a common goal.
  • Hypnotizing a person is not difficult, because all you are really doing is presenting the idea in a sufficiently plausible manner that the subject is beginning to experience one's consciousness differently. All the rest depends upon the ability and willingness of the subject to follow the instructions and suggestions he or she is given. (That's why we say that all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis, and why there are so many possible ways to hypnotize someone.)
    • Read through the steps of the induction procedure a few times, watch the demonstration tapes, make notes, and practice on imaginary people to get the hang of how it all goes together. It may also help to start out by hypnotizing someone who has been hypnotized before, if such a subject is available.
    • Until you have become thoroughly familiar with the procedure, if you are able to read without sounding like you are reading, you can print the suggestions out ahead of time and use them as a script after your subject's eyes have closed.

  • The most important thing to remember in using hypnosis is that a successful session not only helps your subject to fulfill his or her own goals, but also provides an enjoyable and rewarding experience which your subject is willing to repeat, if necessary, and may be eager to tell others about.
    • Before concluding your hypnosis session you might say, "As a result of this hypnotic experience, you will find many exciting changes taking place in your life, some of which you may already be aware of and some of which you may not yet realize." Then repeat for emphasis, "And as you continue to explore these higher dimensions of experience, you will discover even more exciting changes taking place in your life, some of which you may be aware of and some of which you may not yet realize."
    • Later, you can ask your subject about the benefits that hypnosis has brought them. If they mention anything new, you can emphasize this point again by saying something like, "That's great! That's what hypnosis does. It enables you to find new possibilities inside yourself that you never knew you had."
    • Suggestions of this type tend to serve as self-fulfilling prophecies which create the outcomes which have been suggested.

  • You can also use alert, or hyperempiric [1] inductions, based on suggestions of mind expansion and increased awareness and sensitivity. These are particularly helpful for people who are skittish about the implications of surrender or "progressive zombification" conveyed by traditional hypnotic inductions based on expressed or implied suggestions of lethargy, drowsiness, and sleep (Gibbons, 2000, 2001).
  • Note the difference between a post-hypnotic-suggestion and hypnosis with the eyes open. A PHS is something that has an effect, like a habit, after the hypnotic session has been concluded. However, only that suggestion (for example feeling itchy, or saying or doing something on cue) will be effective. Hypnosis with the eyes open, on the other hand, means that a suggestion you have previously given can be changed just by saying so, or new suggestions can be given, since the subject is still hypnotized.
  • If your subject should begin to show any signs of discomfort during the procedure, you can smoothly terminate the proceedings by stating matter-of-factly that by the count of three your subject's eyes will open and he or she will be back in a normal, everyday frame of mind.
    • The experience might have briefly reminded the subject of a time when he or she was going under an anesthetic, or had nearly drowned as a child, for example.
    • Often, all that is necessary is to point out the obvious differences between that situation and the present one. If, however, the subject does not wish to proceed, then of course you should not attempt to continue.

  • Occasionally, a subject may be inclined to "get the giggles" during an induction if this is the first time they have been hypnotized. This may be a sign of unconscious resistance. Give your subject a moment to calm down, point out that hypnosis is a very matter-of-fact procedure, try again, and if the giggles return then wait until a time when they are more serious about wanting to proceed.
  • Hypnosis is a very pleasant experience, and some subjects may occasionally be reluctant to come out of hypnosis. But this should not be a cause for concern. You can take care of this by repeating, "Any second now, your eyes will open," taking advantage of any signs of compliance, i.e., "Your eyes are beginning to flutter now. . . . There."
  • Sometimes, when people have been focusing their attention and imagination intensely for a period of time, whether they are in hypnosis or they have been taking an examination, they may experience a slight amount of discomfort, such as a headache, immediately afterward. This is easily taken care of by suggesting matter-of-factly (usually without requiring a re-induction), "Any remaining discomfort you may feel will quickly pass," with a follow-up question a few minutes later, repeating the suggestion if necessary (Gibbons & Lynn, in press).
  • Don't expect everyone to experience a trance (Lynn, 2006).
    • Some people are able to respond to suggestion quite well, even under light hypnosis (Hilgard, 1974).
    • If someone does not respond to your induction or do what you suggested, this may be due to other factors which neither one of you are aware of, or your subject may not have understood you. Try the induction and suggestions again, with slightly different wording.
    • If your subject still does not respond to the procedure and/or does not accept your suggestions, then stop trying.

  • Most people can benefit from hypnosis in varying degrees to improve the quality of their life. But, just as some people are color blind, others with little or no ability to respond to suggestion are "hypnosis blind," and do not respond to any type of induction procedure. For everyone who responds poorly, however, there is an equal number of people at the high end of the responsiveness scale whose imaginations are in the experientially gifted range. Especially when facilitated by the use of an induction procedure, the abilities of the imaginatively gifted are truly impressive (Hilgard, 1974; Hull, 1933; Spiegel, 1975).
    • They are able to experience the rewards of distant goals now, in the present and in concentrated form, when they are most needed for motivation, thereby decreasing or eliminating the need for will power.
    • Educationally and culturally, these fortunate individuals are able to live out the finest achievements of history, art, literature, music, and drama, as intensely as if they were actually happening right now, and they were part of the action instead of part of the audience (Gibbons, 2003).
    • The range of their abilities also includes the mystical. As a stimulus to their own creativity and personal growth, the members of this imaginatively-gifted elite are able, in the words of the mystical poet, Blake, " to see a world in a grain of sand, or a Heaven in a wild flower. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour.." Such is the promise and the potential of hypnosis and hyperempiria for those who are able and willing to make use of them.


  • This is probably the most important section, as hypnosis is a bit like fire. It can be dangerous if you do not use common sense, or if you try doing things that you shouldn't.
  • Don't try to use hypnosis to treat any physical or mental condition (including pain) unless you are a licensed professional who is properly qualified to treat these problems. Hypnosis should never be used as a substitute for counseling or psychotherapy, or to rescue a relationship which is in trouble.
  • Don't try to "scare" somebody into achieving their goal by dwelling on the consequences of failure. Research has conclusively shown that fear is a poor way to motivate people, and the side effects usually outweigh any possible benefits.
  • Don't stop taking any type of prescription medication while using hypnosis without talking to your doctor.
  • Don't suggest anything that is against a person's morals or value systems, or that might be embarrassing to the subject, or anything that you wouldn't want someone to suggest to you.
    • Though many people have tried, post-hypnotic amnesia is notoriously unreliable as a means of protecting hypnotists from the consequences of their own misconduct. If you try to use hypnosis to get people to do things they would not normally be willing to do, they will usually just come out of hypnosis.
    • If you are going to venture down this road, get them to agree to what you are going to do before the induction. Otherwise, they may never trust you again, tell everyone what you did, take you to court, or worse.

  • Don't just sidle up to someone at the mall, or someone who is asleep, and try to hypnotize them on the sly.
    • Almost everything that has been said on this page stresses the importance of obtaining the subject's full understanding and complete cooperation beforehand if your induction is going to be successful.
    • Although covert approaches can work occasionally with an unsuspecting person who is caught by surprise, much more often than not, people will catch on to what you are trying to do. They will either laugh at you, or become angry for insulting their intelligence, and/or suspect that you have an ulterior motive and report you as a suspicious person.

  • Don't try regressing people to when they were young. If you want, tell them to 'act as if they were ten.' Some people have repressed memories which you really do not want to bring up (abuse, bullying etc.). They shut out these memories as a natural defense. Oddly, these people are often good at being hypnotized.
  • You can never be sure that someone is going to accept your suggestion unless you have agreed to it ahead of time or ask them ahead of time while he or she is hypnotized.
    • A person in hypnosis is always responding to the total situation in the ight of their total pattern of wants and needs, and not merely to what you are telling them.
    • They may have reasons of their own which you have not been able to guess for wanting or not wanting to carry out a particular suggestion.

  • Don't get hung up on technique.
    • When something works dramatically with some people, and not as well as you want it to with others, this creates a "partial reinforcement" effect which may cause people to go from one book to another, or one training program or conference to another, in search of a "magic bullet" that is going to work with everyone. But despite claims to the contrary, most induction procedures work about equally well, and the differences in responsiveness are due to other factors. (Gibbons & Lynn, in press).
    • Decades of laboratory research involving hundreds of investigators have conclusively demonstrated that for everyone who responds poorly, you are statistically certain to find someone who responds so well that your perseverance in the use of hypnosis will be amply rewarded over time (Hull, 1933; Shor & Orne, 1962; Spiegel, 1974).

  • Don't allow yourself to be fooled by the sensationalism and commercial distortion of advertisers, or by false and misleading portrayals of hypnosis in the mass media.
    • A good source of accurate, up-to-date information about hypnosis can be found on the Web page of the American Psychological Association.[2] Click on "Psychology Topics" on the banner at the top of the page, and then click on "Hypnosis" for a list of articles which may be read online or downloaded free of charge.
    • You can also learn a lot about the practical uses of hypnosis by visiting or joining a social networking site such as Hypnothoughts, [3] which is devoted exclusively to hypnosis and related topics.

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Many people go through life unaware of the insanity of the modern world.They have grown up with grocery stores and cars,movie theaters and dvds,public schools and organized religion.Very few of us stop to ask where did all these institutions and customs come from.A great number of people on earth still basically live in the stone age.Farming by rough hewn tools and animal is how they get their food.Climbing in a car and driving to the local grocery store would be incomprehensible to them.Who were the people that led us into this modern world we live in.Did we force our leaders to give us this world or did they impose it on us?Or was it a symbiotic relationship with both sides feeding off the other?Did our leaders impose things such as the drug war on us or did modern citizens decide we wanted drug users jailed?The biggest question has to be who came up with our outdated relgions and who is continuing to peddle these books of lies as the truth? Is the modern man so desperate and lacking of self knowledge that he will continue to buy into these relgions till we are all dead or will the dawn of awareness settle on all men instead of just the few?

In the old pre-industrial world man could partake of mind altering substances without the threat of jail.He could also eat a mushroom or smoke an herb and wonder aimlessly through the countryside with the only threat being eaten by an animal or falling off a cliff.He could smoke cannabis and stare at the night sky for years ,tracking each movement of the stars,night after night without worrying about anything other than the small amount of food he would need to get him through the day.At certain times of the year he would meet with friends and clan members and partake in entheogen rituals,worshipping the magic substances that gave him such beautiful visions.

Most of mankind in ancient and modern times has chosen to live close to water.It being the source of so much life.The lucky ancient man would have had a cave to live in that was also close to water.Such a location would have been where clans grew,eventually turning into tribes or villages.Other lucky ancients would have lived on warm tropical islands with plenty of food and few animal predators.The common theme for our ancient brothers would have been nature.It was all they new,from morning til dawn they lived directly in nature.The insanity is that we have screwed it all up so badly since those days.

And now for some news to brighten your day.Get your ducks in a row,you can only fight them spiritually

The webbot project has been very accurate so far.

TJ knocks one outta the park!!!

The Kings of Stoner Rock

The funny thing is he says he hasn't smoked or tripped since the 80s.The first song is a David Gilmour cover.

Life's a big explosion ain't it cool,check your head and hold on tight,it's surfin time with the master of light.

Best listened to after partaking in your favorite herb!

Song Writer Presents His Wisdom in his SONGS...But Few Truly Listen.


David Jon Gilmour, CBE was born on 6th March 1946 in Cambridge, England, the second child of Douglas Gilmour, a senior lecturer in Zoology at the University, and Sylvia, a teacher. Best known as guitarist, vocalist and writer with Pink Floyd, he is also renowned for his solo work and collaborations with other artists including Kate Bush, Paul McCartney,and Pete Townshend.David Gilmour and Roger 'Syd' Barrett met as children in Cambridge and later, whilst studying at the Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology, began playing guitar together. In 1965 they spent a summer hitchhiking and busking around the South of France before Syd joined Roger Waters, Nick Mason and Rick Wright to form Pink Floyd, and David continued playing with his own band Jokers Wild, subsequently touring Europe with Flowers, and later Bullitt.David was asked to augment the Pink Floyd line up as the singer and guitarist in 1967, only for Syd to leave the group five gigs later.

David's guitar playing and song writing became major factors of Pink Floyd's worldwide success during the 1970s, including his distinctive vocals and guitar playing on The Dark Side Of The Moon, the third most successful album of all time. Without question, David Gilmour, a Founder of Pink Floyd, is one of the best Musicians, Guitarist & Song Writer in the world today as we know it.

This is David Gilmour playing Marooned at The 50th Anniversary Fender Stratocaster. This song is fucking amazing. The sound is just incredible. Gilmour sure knows how to write music! The music say the rest. ENJOY!

...If you think it should look good, Then I Guess it Should...

Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot:

Pink Floyd - On The Turning Away (One of the Best Song EVER!)

Click on the "Title" of this post & it will take you to David Gilmour's Offical Web Site for more information - DarkStar888


The 1st Official David Carradine Orgasmic Meditation Contest!

A true Zen master meditative master should be able to achieve orgasm with meditative thought alone,or one would think.So I want all you meditation fans to get busy and report your first meditative orgasm here on this blog.The winner in this contest doesn't receive a trophy ,money etc.Your prize will be to share with us your secrets and receive mass adulation from your new fans.Happy meditating.Oh wet dreams don't count.

Ubiquitous Computing - Here Goes All Our Freedoms.

You have heard of Smart Grid? Well here is a vital part of how "Smart Grid" will get implimented. It's called Ubiquitous Computing! - DarkStar888

Ubiquitous Computing

Physicist and futurist Michio Kaku discusses the idea of Ubiquitous Computing. He describes it as "an invisible intelligent network hidden in our walls, our furniture, even our clothing."

Obviously he is employed to present it as a good thing, but what it essentially represents is the all-seeing eye - http://aftermathnews.files.wordpress....

Paul Saffo of Stanford University argues that it is pretty inevitable, given that the '80s was the decades in which we built our computers, the '90s was when we connected our computers together, and in this decade "it's computing that's everywhere, connected to everything and embedded in everything. And you'll know that ubiquitous computing's arrived when you realise computers have become invisible." Later he goes on to do an impression of Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire saying "I have always relied upon the kindness of strangers" seemingly in order to present the 'strangers' as "machines toiling away in complete anonymity". Kind strangers don't tend to allow the authorities to monitor everything you do, which Saffo doesn't seem to mind, or indeed acknowledge.

Saffo is also keen on the idea of merging man and machine - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=455wiq... - and his words on that seemed slightly threatening:

"The big losers [of this revolution] are the people who say they don't want to get involved. They're the ones who are going to discover that being a little bit out of touch will have some unpleasant consequences. So this is a revolution where it's not a good idea to be a bystander."
Kaku goes on to exclusively discuss the potential benefits of this system, e.g. pills that could monitor your health from the inside, sunglasses acting as a mobile home entertainment centre.

The point is made that your glasses could provide a constant flow of information, which could "recognise people's faces and download their personal profiles". This part is reminiscent of certain scenes from The Terminator movies.

Kaku then points out that this revolution is greater than the Renaissance, because it is global, and not just for the elites. And it is also interactive, or "democracy in action", but obviously there won't be a vote on it, which seems to be how the new democracy works - see EU/NAU.


Nothing has evolved to Master Crumbles.Watch your masters crumble with Master Crumbles!

Go here and watch this movie!!!


The photography is breathtaking.Of course disregard any disinfo.

Stories & A Personal Perspective by Roger Dean Kiser!

The Wolf I chose to feed!

America-Is there a dark truth?
