Unknown said...

Remember, we don't exist, 3D illusion. Anything to do with physcial healing of the body comes from one source..."THE MIND". It's all 'mind over matter". Control of "The Mind" will control how you feel, look, think & be...etc.

This is another form of Meditation.


Anonymous said...

I have been trying to send out healing energy to people lately,just a little experiment.Modern society produces a pain all it's own.I think we were better off when we had to fight hyenas and lions to survive.The hyper dimensional luceferians harvest the pain,I want to deny them.It is a nice feeling when you know you don't have to do anything,just exist and watch and wait.We are all knowing spirit perfection,they hide that from us,constantly bombarding us with limitations and fears,telling us that the material is all that is real,robbing us of our very reason for existence.Their veil of tears and fears will soon be lifted and we will return to the oneness.Thank you for your encouragement Darkstar.

Unknown said...

Your welcome. :)
