Laws of power in the matrix

Lack of awareness puts a person into the domain of illusion and misperception. Once there, it is easy for the matrix or its operators to inject false speculation into the minds of the intended targets of sabotage. The less information one has about a particular situation, the more he will tend to speculate. Like a game of Wheel of Fortune, the less letters already chosen by contestants, the greater the possibility that the hidden word could be almost anything. Because there are so many possibilities that would fit the limited facts one has, such possibilities must include a great portion of incorrect guesses, illusions. Because such possibilities are weighted equally until another piece of information comes along to shift favor to one or the other, it is during speculation that the matrix finds an opportune time to nudge a person’s perceptions toward false conclusions. It can do so directly by emotional manipulation and memory suppression, or it can do so with false data introduced to him synchronistically. Not all data you could encounter via synchronicity is false, but be aware that some of it surely is.

Such sabotage typically happens to split apart two people or a network which poses a threat to the matrix’s agenda. This happens best when one or more of the people targetted is much more unaware than the other, and therefore becomes an easy conduit of attack. Whether one is unaware or both are, between them there is usually a lack of full understanding of each other’s personality and circumstances. This may be due either out of social custom not to be nosy, lack of time to become more acquainted, or fear, mistrust, and ignorance. The latter factors make a relationship most vulnerable to sabotage. Fear causes mistrust, leading to ignorance of facts contrary to paranoid speculations, and limits the informational exchange between people involved. With lack of information, speculation arises, and such speculation is manipulated by the matrix toward false conclusions and soon the relationship breaks apart due to misunderstandings on both sides of the cleavage. It is a tactic of divide and conquer. This is why love and trust between two or more aware people is the biggest threat possible to the matrix — it forms an invincible and indivisible unit more powerful than the sum of its parts. The matrix must then resort to treating this unit as a single entity and manipulate other people into attacking it from the outside…but the network or relationship is now stronger than any single person.

Such a network is impossible between individuals who are not collinear. Collinearity is the quality of sharing the same direction of spiritual evolution, even if there are differences in awareness. Two individuals who are collinear but not equally aware can provide for a pleasant teaching/learning experience. But two who are not collinear will be in conflict because each will be resistant to the other and both are going different directions in life. Among collinear individuals, it is merely separations in awareness that allow the matrix to create misperceptions and disruption. So it is important for a collinear couple to be completely honest with each other and on equal ground.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The 10 commandments of the Elite...hehe

Looks like I have broken a few of those rules...intentionally. Shit, guess this means the Elite will kill me if they knew. Oh shit, they do know, because I trash the fuckers ever chance I get. Guess loving thy neighbor works. :)

Kidding aside. I have followed those type of rules most of my adult life. Being in the business world for over 25 years, let's you realize that if you don't have control, your fucked. As a sales profession, this discipline, a must, or you lose way in the Matrix...big time.

