DonnyDarkoh said...

Combining the topic of evolution with other topics is fascinating.

I read that part of the "plan" for education is to speed things way up in some privileged neighborhoods while keeping it slow in others. The idea is that perhaps they can influence evolution or speed it up somehow. Environmental pressure really can shape not only how present genes are naturally selected for, but how they're expressed in this generation and the next.

I liked the movie Species where man created half alien/ human hybrids in a lab based on DNA codes sent from somewhere in outer space. Who knows. Maybe DNA strands are sent in asteroids or are soaking the environment and eventually assimilate into our DNA like a virus. One scientist had a theory that new illnesses that people are not immune to come from asteroids.

Combine all this with whacko astrology or alchemy. Perhaps we all evolve and devolve based on what age we're in in certain ways. The Age of Aquarius is supposed to be the fag age. Now we have estrogen in the water with people taking so many birth control pills. Everything seems to have an estrogen based paraben added to it that makes us more female. And of course milk is filled with hormones. This is bound to affect our evolution.

In The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, men become very feminine b/c the purpose of the male became obsolete. All the hazards and problems of nature like growing food, technology, etc. were figured out. So there was no need for men to be larger and stronger and harder working than women. So they devolved. Maybe devolution occurs just as much as evolution. Also in the Time Machine, the human race split into two species. One smarter one that ate the other.

I read that the new science of DNA is trying to see how environmental pressures of one generation effect the next. Many schizophrenics were born to mothers who suffered from the flu. Many skinny people in industrialized societies were born from several generations of well fed people. Many fat people were born to mothers who suffered famines during pregnancy. In Russia during a world war, many women didn't get enough to eat. Apparently, their children suffered from heart attacks and obesity, because their genes were shaped to conserve food energy.

Anyway, evolution's complicated, and it does not disprove knowledge taken for granted by the ancients. And it may all be by design instead of by chance.

DeKn:EW said...

very interesting time we all live in for sure. For sure Donny, there is one big evolution that is pushing us forward. Forward so we can become something new. Something better then before.


Anonymous said...

Now some dna scientists are saying the different races don't have a 1% genetic difference but 4 or 5% difference, which is huge.

Here's my theory.The different races were sent here from different planets by some sort of high galactic confederecy to see if we could get along and help each other grow spiritually.It's not looking to good.

As we speak scientists in remote,secret locations are doing genetic tests and experiments that would boggle the imagination.After the next big lifekill,they will unleash the new human;smarter faster, stronger.Present day humans,what is left of us, will be looked at as freaks and weaklings.The new humans will be modified with nanotech computerized genes.I'll leave it to your imaginations what the possibilties will be.

Unknown said...

Master Crumbles,

I'm honored to be here for your 100 post. Congratulation. :-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Darkstar,I do believe I am tha laziest blogger in the universe,just postin cool videos I find on the net.I guess they call it videoblogging.Reminds me of the 70s when we would listen to a new album and then talk about it.Music use to bring people together now it isolates people ,ie. ipods.

I want to thank you ,Dekn,and Donny for botherin to come here and watch the videos and make comments. And to any of you lurkers out there start makin comments.You can say anything here,you will not be judged,this is an open forum.

Did you notice how hives is starting to reference IM.He is using alot of proton,neutron,electron talk.He says to be a proton and exploit the electrons.I bet money he has been to the IM site.

You can expect more instances like the old man who attacked the holocaust museum.Here is a good article about the differences that are being magnified in these hard times,like they always are to facilitate the lifekill.This is another good blog by the way.

