Anytime you want to go into a relaxing trance ,just watch this.

Imagine every molecule in the universe was spread an equal distance from itself.

There would be nothing but infinite empty space.But this emptiness would still contain the energy imprint of your consciousness.So yes,we are all immortal and infinite.

Only for the select few.

Most can't comprehend this message.Can you?

bonus link

Cyrus vs. Nemesis

You be the judge.

The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist.

This is a great summary film. It highly relates to the IluminatiMATRIX. Enjoy!


Very Interesting Article!!

I urge you to go to his site and check his writings and videos out.He has been presenting groundbreaking info since the early 90s.Good Stuff!!

The Awakening - Complete Parts 1,2 & 3 by Max Igan

The Awakening

Max Igan has just finshed his documentary film "The Awakening". Part 1 was previously released and now the film is complete. I'm pleased to present it here for your entertainment & knowledge. Enjoy! -DarkStar888-

The Awakening Part 1 - Divine Connections
Part 2 - Conversations with the Matrix
Part 3 - Conscious Evolution

Full film available for download as one file from:

The Awakening Part 1,2,3...(1-7).