Very Interesting Article!!

I urge you to go to his site and check his writings and videos out.He has been presenting groundbreaking info since the early 90s.Good Stuff!!


DonnyDarkoh said...

I like Jay Weidner although he's also full of shit!
I love his Space Odyssey 2001 analysis.
The cross at Hendeye?/?....
He does this word jumble on some ancient cross and decides it means that people have to hide out in an underground cave in Peru somewhere when a natural disaster comes around periodically.

Then he recommends this Alchemy book that blows chunks. He likes Nostradamus (gag). He predicted something awful to occur on 8/8/8.

But I've learned from him to look for symbolism in cathedrals. His space odyssey analysis claims that the movement of the planets has more effect than anything else in regards to human evolution. And I've started to pay attention to a lot of books about alchemy - although not the lame book he likes.
And finally, I wonder if certain people do have important information but don't release it until the proper time. It's a cool concept.

I wish I knew the reason why there's so many underground tunnels and bases. Are they just boy scout hideouts for freemasons?

DonnyDarkoh said...

New Jay Weidner article:

Anonymous said...

Yeah this is the article that initially led me to Weidner via Rense.Celtic rebel says the shining is about child sex abuse.Both theories are thought provoking.Kubrick was a genius.