Illuminatimatrix wisdom

Energy Is The Light – Light is the Corruptor

This plan will be stopped, and will be stopped once and for all. The vicious cycle of war, death, greed and the like is doomed to failure. Realizing that this horror is only hypnosis, simply the manipulation of our minds through the manipulation of light, then it ends. Light is energy and it’s this thing called energy that is the culprit behind war, death, greed, etc. It is energy that must be destroyed, or more accurately, energy must be ignored as having any value. Of course, every scientific thinking person knows that energy can’t be destroyed and to even suggest such a thing is basically blasphemy. This is the hypnosis!
Energy is simply a thought form. Thoughts are always lies. Lies can be destroyed with awareness. Therefore energy can be destroyed with awareness.

To say that energy can’t be destroyed is tantamount to saying that lucifer, the light bringer, is indeed the great god, and that the doctrine of energy (light) not being able to be destroyed, is the eternal truth. However, science is seance, and the source of all scientific thought permeates, like everything else in this 3D realm, from the characteristics of a beam of light. Awareness of what this entity is, not only harmlessly and painlessly, annihilates its power, but it liberates all of humanity, never to be imprisoned again. That even includes the Bush family, corrupt as they are. They just don’t understand how they’ve been manipulated and do sincerely believe they’re doing the will of god and the very best thing for the world. Mind you, that world they envision is minus many millions of souls sacrificed, so that they can reign with their god.

Remember this, the lucifer entity is light. Everything is formed of light which is energy. Therefore, if you see something in a 3 dimensional form, you’re looking at energy, light and the luciferian entity.

Again I ask you to be aware of this. We’re not just up against human governments and the rich and powerful elite. We can only stop this lunacy by realizing we are up against a corrupt entity whose only power is hypnosis. That’s all it has! It’s hypnosis only affects us if we cling to the belief that this 3 dimensional realm has any worth. The real worth is realized when we take it all back, when we become aware that the 3 dimensional space is not even a fraction of the joy, beauty, power, wisdom and ecstacy of our original spiritual state. The light maker, the energy maker, the luciferian thought form, does not want you to be aware that light corrupts and kills. Light is, in itself, death. In other words light is darkness. This is the pupil, the hexagram of the all seeing eye, it is black when all the light energy is left together. This colour black, is the origin, the Matrix Womb of the thought form and the actual garden of creation.

Light is energy, light is death, and therefore energy is death. We’re taught to believe that the absence of energy is death, but that is a total distortion of reality. Energy is everything you see and hear in this 3D moment. We’re in this moment, but we’re not stuck here, and we do have the power within each one of us to take back our true eternal state, to take back reality. The only thing allowing the physical illusion to continue its’ hold is hypnosis. This understanding will pull the veils of deceit aside, and this awareness is the end of the lie. Realize that the lie is unawareness. Connect with the awareness already in you and the lie ends. The lie is a thought form that manipulates wisdom. Lies manipulate wisdom by spinning in circles, extremely fast, creating a 3 dimensional blur that you have no ability to see through. These are called electrons, the negative female energy of the atom. Everything 3 dimensional, the visible form we see, is the woman. This is the worship of the sun god, the worship of the son of god, also called the worship of the woman.
Thought/Sound Forms – The Foundation of Life/Death – The Basis of Duality – Kaballism – The Manipulation of Matter

Thoughts generate sound, that in turn creates a confusing blurring effect, to inhibit our ability to connect to our awareness and wisdom. This confusion and blurring is the result of the electrons of the atom spinning at an extreme rate of speed, causing the 3 dimensional realm to appear. This thought sound form is the basis of all matter. Thought/sound forms, cause vibrations and stimulus that interfers with the ability to connect to the non-vibrational wisdom, and non-vibrational awareness, and forms matter. Thought/sound forms are the basis and foundation, the very beginning, of light. And it is not good! Light in turn creates every illusion we see, and in turn every illusion we see is corruptible and temporal. Along with this physical illusion comes the subliminal message that things matter. Well, the truth of the matter is, nothing matters. Everything is corrupt and worthless. Only the awareness of this very concept, knowing that everything in the 3 dimensional realm is worthless, has any worth. All matter is energy, which is light, which is everything you see and hear. This light energy is thrust at us subliminally and not so subliminally, every second of every day. The trick is to not believe it as being real. Continue to do whatever it is you do, for no thing is any more corrupt than any other thing. Just don’t believe there is any worth in anything, in this 3 dimensional space. In so doing, this hypnotic illusion snaps, and you and me, everyone, is free. Realize that it is the luciferian master hypnotist just screwing with our minds, playing the good god and the wicked devil, and playing it very mercilessly.

What has just been described is the kaballism knowledge given to the so-called elect of god throughout the ages. This is the ability to basically create and manipulate matter one molecule at a time. This is the most powerful luciferian knowledge available to humanity. It is all based on demonism and deceit, and because of this, is practised in our everyday cultures throughout the world and considered common and normal. It is not common or normal. We call it christianity, judaism, science, magic, entertainment, business…and so on. Every world system employs Kaballa techniques, causing the massive lunacy we see everywhere.


JediTheOne said...

Good man Master...for posting some IlluminatiMATRIX. Time for some more of this on JediTheOne

Anonymous said...

This is from chapter 20.

Unknown said...

Have you been looking at the IM updates? Bryan has just posted updates over that past week or so. Neat shit coming down on us all soon.

It's nice to sit back & just watch. While the Sheep will be running for cover calling out "The Sky is Falling, The Sky is us please!!!" WTF morons, let the sky fall, who gives a shit. Paradise awaits you. Read the IM & get it. Time becomes SHORT.

Glad I got that off my chest :)


Anonymous said...

Yes thanks for the reminder ds.Those too attracted to the material world are in for some karma.
