Learn wisdom from the Yogi masters

We are all experiencing our own reality tunnel.If you let someone else define your reality you are living in hell.If you define your own reality you live in heaven.Sad people lead sad lives .Happy people lead happy lives.
Robert Anton Wilson


DonnyDarkoh said...

Very interesting video. I love the mountain scenery.
I picked up a yoga book when I was 13 and took a lot of the stuff to heart. I became a vegetarian for 8 years. But it was a phase, because I just didn’t think the karma and compassion concepts were applicable to the real world. Where do these concepts end?

With karma: What happens when you clean your face? Are you killing bacteria? Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if you had to live out 50 chicken lives b/c you ate 50 chickens in your lifetime? What happens when you become pregnant and the fetus would benefit from you eating a little meat? Isn’t it a damned if you do damned if you don’t concept where if you don’t eat meat, you’ll have to live as a weak fetus, but if you do eat meat, you’ll have to live out life as a butchered chicken? Are you allowed to kill the nasty roach or rat in your house? In other words, the only way to not incur negative karma is to quit living altogether. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to live a life without incurring so called karma. If you own some matrix and benefit from all the energy from souls that live in it, wouldn’t you tell the souls that reincarnating was inevitable? The universe is built on choice. If you’re sick of living here, you can leave whether or not you pissed off a few people and incurred karmic debt.

And with compassion, if you feed the poor hungry pigeons or ducks in the park, are they just going to have more ducklings and continue the endless problem, or forget how to hunt altogether? Often thoughtless compassion delays or produces future pain because you are allowing weakness to continue. Well thought out compassion is fine, but wouldn’t knee jerk compassion supposedly incur karma and suffering. The idea of yoga is to free yourself from this endless cycle of life. But to me, it seems that it continues an endless cycle of suffering by making you believe you have a duty to experience all the negative things you inflicted on others.

The yoga lifestyle does not benefit you in the real world. Eating rice all day and barley, as in the case of Tibetan monks, makes you weak and spacey. The oldest yogi on the video kept talking about how he couldn’t concentrate on “mundane” things anymore. That meant he couldn’t concentrate period. He had to close and squint his eyes just to carry on the conversation. You can’t just do nothing all day and sit in the real world and expect people to give to you out of charity. How are you going to get a job if you are simply isolated. “Turning the other cheek” is often a sure way to continue abuse.

You could tell these people were mad as hell at the Chinese. They were denying their natural feelings and saying that they just needed to learn more “patience” or just needed a few more decades of meditation to get over the fact that the Chinese kicked them out of their temples, destroyed the places where they lived, raped their wives and killed their friends. And they just took it up the ass. They literally sat there. Would permitting the Chinese to walk all over them not incur some sort of karma debt with their families?

Another thing I find interesting in history is these violent overthrows of culture and religion only to replace it with another religion. To me, this proves that it’s all astrology. The Tibetan yogis are practicing an extreme “water” kind of philosophy. “Water” kinds of lifekill (become a monk and don’t reproduce, starve yourself to the point you’re not able to reproduce). Maybe this type of culture exists in an environment of extreme hardship with lots of cold and starvation. A lifestyle that conserves as much energy as possible is beneficial to this place. But in modern times, a different religion is necessary.

Anyway, great post. I enjoyed watching it. I guess I’m more into drug induced “states”. Relaxing /meditation is great after a busy stressful day. A 2 day retreat sounds fun. But personally, I’d need something with a little more action. I read that pagans think of dancing with drums as a meditative state. Well, I dance like Elaine on Seinfeld.

Anonymous said...

From what I gather from the video I posted on animal fat ,the human body has no need for meat(animal fat) and the fetus will be strong without it.Like he said elephants,buffalo,girafffes,bulls don't eat meat and they look plenty strong to me.

The state masters do not like any self sufficient spiritually awake culture to thrive anywhere in the world.It's not good for the state business if all of a sudden people quit working in the factories for their slave wages and grew their own food and bartered.The yogis were doing the most important work,exploring the mind,and the people loved them for it.Any indiginous ,spiritual,self sustaining,peaceful culture has been destroyed by the overlords.Now with the threat of total annihilation people are looking for a better way.Thus the spread of buddhism and things like the zeitgeist movement.

If I can lessen my karmic imprint on the world by eating less animal fat ,why not.It's good for me and causes much less pollution.

The karma ,reincarnation philosphy is a mindbender.Stuart Wilde says there is a mirror world where our lives are kept on record.Every person just has to figure out what works for them.

The hardest lesson in life is to learn to forgive.

DonnyDarkoh said...

Life's a mystery. I obviously don't have all the answers. Karma makes so much intuitive sense, but sometimes doesn't make logical sense. Maybe it works in a different matrix, but not completely here on earth. What if everything on this earth became vegetarian? Then you'd replace one problem (predators) with another problem (overpopulation). So you'd fix it with birth control. then again you'd replace one problem (overpopulation) with another problem (no gene selection or improvement). So you select genes through a technocracy. Then it becomes fascism or you're not letting genes diversify.

Obviously I can't completely disagree with you on becoming a vegetarian. I was one for almost a decade. But your body definitely benefits from some hormones in moderation. Dr. Russell Blaylock said something on this order. (You've posted Blaylock; he's brilliant) Minimizing your meat intake will minimize your "global footprint" and your intake of carcinogens. I guess that's the key - minimizing / moderation.
I remember being a vegetarian when I took my LSAT. I couldn't concentrate for the 4-5 hour test. I would zonk out in the 3rd hour. Then I ate a little protein, which made a big difference in my score. These yogis LOL only eat barley soup. Someone definitely has them under voluntarily induced control. Eating barley soup everyday will make them dependent on their spacing out lifestyle. Whoever's in control in Tibet will then have more voluntary birth control on their hands and gain more contributions from the monk's family.

Maybe it's more about frequencies versus what you've done in the past. When you "learn" from the past, your frequency changes and you attract different events. Who knows. Buddhism makes more sense to me.
I love the zeitgeist movement. It's a new twist on religions. I think the zeitgeist movie wants you to say - oh there's all these similarities of sun and planet worship in religions, therefore it's ALL BS. I kinda think the opposite. There's some definite truths hidden in the similarities.

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts Donny.I am glad I attract such inteligent readers to this blog.Thanks for sharing.It is good to know other people think about these things.

Unknown said...

I didn't eat meat for the better part of 15 + years and I was in perfect health for many years. Even in college, I ate no red meat or chicken. Fish, was the only flesh and that was once or twice a week. I ran 2 miles in under 10 minutes, could bench press 215, dead lift 400 lb, squat 330..and weight 152 lbs at 5'7"...so being a veggie didn't seem to hurt. lol

I have studied health & nutrition for over 15 years as well as my college (Bio Phys-Ed).

Later...take care


P.S. As for science, religion, nature, etc...ITS ALL FUCKING MADE UP, as in not real, fake, 3D illusion. The only thing that matters is AWARENESS & a little love! Peace :)
