DonnyDarkoh said...

I'd have to say I'm a weight loss expert. 3 kids, and I weigh less than in college. Volume + no caloric drinks (no juice, milk, wine) + no sugar = skinny

Fat people hate me. People have issues because of corn syrup. They drink coke everyday and wonder why they haven't seen their dick in 10 years.

The food scientists are brilliant for figuring out how to make people eat themselves to death voluntarily. I mean, almost a third of guys can't even get a boner b/c their belly fat cuts off all circuluation.

Jogging 3 times a week and sunshine doesn't hurt of course.

So I'm going to celebrate the summer solstice for the first time. Why the hell not? I celebrate christmas, easter, and halloween.
I'm making special cookies tommorrow and going to a Rusted Root / Guster concert. Should be fun.

DonnyDarkoh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DonnyDarkoh said...

Guster's Airport Song has the Nothing Blog Philosophy.


Their most popular song's the Satellite song; you may have heard it in your local Publix where shopping's a pleasure.


I forgot how much I liked Rusted Root.


Anonymous said...

Do you know these guys ,they are very big over here in Europe?They are Tennessee boys.


I gotta do the no sugar water thing,I sometimes forget that one.I think the food companies are related to the drug companies.Sell em dead food then keep em alive with pills.

Anonymous said...

Oh check out this live video of KOL in London


DonnyDarkoh said...

The kings of leon have a good sound. And it's a current band.
I stopped listening to music regularly in the late 90's b/c payola became horrendous. All the occult symbolism and lyrics went over my head.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you find good bands and movies in the mainstream crapfest.I don't listen much either.To me the party is over,time to quit dancing and get serious.

JediTheOne said...

Check out the post on JediTheOne. The new post talks about the "The One Minute Cure".

The Most Essential Element in the Human Body

In order to dismantle the complex healing modalities that the medical and pharmaceutical industries have created, and discover the path to true healing, one needs to take a closer look at the core of human existence. The human body is composed of 70%-80% water—and water is 89% oxygen by weight. Therefore, oxygen comprises 62% to 71% of the body, and is the body’s most abundant and essential element. Ninety (90%) percent of all our biological energy comes from oxygen. It is the essential element that the human body needs in order to not only survive, but also have optimum levels of energy, function properly and become more productive.

Consider, for instance, that humans can survive for weeks and even months without food, and live for many days without water. But we cannot survive more than a few minutes without oxygen.

It is surprising, therefore, that people find it hard to believe that the very element, which is required by all humans in order to live is also the secret to keeping us disease-free. Medical professionals, in particular, would find the notion of curing virtually all diseases with oxygen rather simplistic, or even lacking merit.

The curious thing is that oxygen is already used in medicine. Oxygen supplementation has been used to ease health conditions, such as emphysema and pneumonia that impair the body’s ability to have a sufficient intake of gaseous oxygen. Hyperbaric (high-pressure) oxygen has been used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene and decompression sickness. Oxygen has also been used for life support situations and on patients who require mechanical ventilation. Patients on their death bed who are given extra doses of oxygen are often kept alive long after they would otherwise have died.

However, because oxygen has seldom been used in the medical setting as a first line of defense for preventing, let alone “curing” diseases, it has never been accorded its rightful place as the cure for virtually all diseases.

The world of science and medicine has always known that oxygen is the basis of human life, without which humans die. This fundamental truth has become so overlaid with centuries’ worth of extraneous matter that its essence has become completely obscured by the ‘Tower of Babel’ created by the field of medicine.

Current medical research is focused on the wrong cause of disease. What complicates the process of curing disease is that everybody has a different opinion as to what causes it.

Here are just a few of the theories that most people mistakenly believe are the cause of disease:

• Viruses, microbes, germs and harmful bacteria
• Toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the substances we consume
• Genes which make us susceptible to acquiring one disease or another
• The “mother” of all diseases -- stress.

While all of the above do characterize most diseases, or might be precursors or by-products of disease, they do not CAUSE disease. They're often mistaken as the cause of disease because their presence coincides with the presence of disease.

This is according to the famed “Father of Pathology,” Dr. Rudolf Virchow. Likewise, germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens do not cause disease, but rather seek out environments where they can thrive best – and that is in oxygen-deprived bodies.

Neither do toxins, genes and stress cause disease. Rather, they bring about a condition in the body (oxygen deficiency) that, in turn, causes disease.

Clearly, the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency, and it stands to reason that supplying the body with sufficient levels of oxygen, which is the body's most essential element, is the key to preventing and curing diseases.

Two-time Nobel Prize-winning doctor, Otto Warburg, shocked the world when he revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in the body.

Nuff Said!

Anonymous said...

So how does the average joe like me get more oxygen into this flesh sack of mine,besides exercise of course.Do I need to buy an oxygen tank? what is the secret?
