Anonymous said...
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DonnyDarkoh said...

So one of the purposes is to transfer wealth from the 1st world to the 3rd world. Let me guess, the 1st world will indeed be heavily taxed, but that money will never show up in the 3rd world. It will simply transfer wealth to the powers that be. The only "gifts" we'll give the 3rd world is maybe a box of vaccines. And of course this will open up the door to many more "green" regulations.

I'm thinking
1st, learn tax laws so you can avoid taxes
2nd, learn green laws and study planning maps in your area to preserve your lifestyle and health. If owning land becomes highly taxed, I'll create a conservation easement in my backyard to fulfill local greenspace requirements and lower my taxes. To sell a house, all plumbing has to be "greeN' in our county, unless you own a historic house. Well, then I'll apply for historic preservation of my house if it bothers me.

Unknown said...

WOW is right... :)

I did a post on DarkStar of this in more detail. Enjoy! Thank you for the inspiration Master Crumbles. :)