The Cleaver

Go to this blog if you want to expand your wisdom.His writings will help you navigate this 3d world we are currently existing in.

An Exerpt:

Resonance is key here. The technique of 'entrainment' posits that similarly resonating systems tend to synchronize. For example, it is known that the human brain resonates at different frequencies in different states. By introducing frequencies at different rates, this will cause the brainwaves to entrain and begin to resonate at that frequency. The result is a change in mind state, induced by the predominant incoming frequencies. For example, watching television can cause the viewer to slip from the accustomed Beta state (12-26Hz), through a passive Alpha mind state (8-12 Hz) and into the highly programmable Theta state (4-8 Hz). In Theta, assimilation of incoming data on the screen is deeply seeded into the psyche. What you watch is permanently burned in. This is frequency control. Or, if you prefer, mind control.

A coordinated barrage of fluoride, aluminium, barium, cellphone and wi-fi signals, television, aspartame, MSG, mood stabilizing drugs, fear, depression and stress - all combine most effectively to block specific frequencies of incoming data. The human animal is isolated from the C-field and cut off from the principles of divine creative collaboration. No upgrades will be possible or even desired by folk who have a steady daily diet of such government approved toxins. Sounds conspiratorial? It is. The natural human state is one of being able to smoothly modulate high frequency, low resistance (suppleness) and conscious presence. What the old hierarchy seeks to implement in its subjects is the exact opposite: low frequency, high resistance (rigidity), unconscious absence. There is no coincidence, no accident and no gross incompetence here. This is an intentional and meticulous strategy to severely corrupt the efficacy of the next upgrade in consciousness.

Once more, we must move away from consuming mainstream media, only put happy natural things into (or onto) our body, unplug technology we are not using, meditate, laugh, love, discover. Learn about plants... for eating, for healing, for gnosis. It is also of great benefit to seek some artistic expression for our innate creative impulse. To paint, draw, write, play, sing, dance, converse, dream, sculpt... something. Consume less. Create more. It is in these moments of right brain activity that the ego learns to keep its mouth shut and just watch. Very handy for firm progress on the path.
The presence of being required to successfully deepen one's experience of consciousness is also influenced by the role of the ego. If an over promoted ego is secretly running the individual human system, there is little or no conscious evolution. Only by being authentically present with ourselves, can we hope to be authentically present with anyone else. It is by abiding with great clarity and stillness in the present moment that real communication can take place. This is the same whether we are talking to a friend, or whether we are stood on a beautiful hillside experiencing conscious absorption of incoming galactic data. Natural energetic transformation.

Be discerning and sovereign. Be open and fluid. Become familiar with the innate psychic agility that extends throughout every fibre of the physical body. By gently holding one's own unique frequency of creative integral presence - we resonate, and thus communicate, with every living thing that shares our harmonic. The more consciousness we can conduct, the deeper our creative frequencies can permeate everything we do and are. In this endeavour, we not only heal ourselves, but we help all conscious entities, including the stunningly elegant energy system of the planet itself, to transcend the controls of the old hierarchy. This is the alchemy of being human.


Jesus said, "If those who lead you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

My interpretation: The leaders who talk of a heaven above, or below, or indeed only in the afterlife are wrong. Jesus is saying that self-gnosis connects you to the field, the eternal spirit, the spiral of universal creation that reaches into all things, to God. It is inside us. Those with gnosis become aware that in a sense they are God, they carry his divinity within them. They are inextricably linked to the living father. Whereas those who choose to hide from their truth, from who they really are, who decide to refute their own sacred path of transcendence, and instead choose an inauthentic existence of distraction and pleasure - they suffer the ultimate shattering separation from him, becoming absolutely lost and alone.

This is remarkable wisdom. Quite refreshing compared to many of the condescending platitudes found in the modern canon of Christian texts, represented in the bible as we know it. You can see why the hijackers of Christianity wanted this stuff out and why they relentlessly pursued the Gnostics across Europe to the point of extinction.


Unknown said...

Interesting Blog. I just look at it and I agree that this human has very good insight. Wish more people would pick up on things like this man does. He doesn't post frequently but what he does post are well written and good articles. Thank for the site.

Oh, unfortunately, he doesn't allow comments. Actually, with the doppy people out there posting and Neil has almost 300 readers, it could be a nigthmare with lots of stupid and idiot comments I'm sure he would draw. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes ,he sounds like a good man with liberating insights that will really help me navigate the coming resonance transference.It is coming,jump on it or get left behind.You cant argue this stuff in the comments,people either feel it or not.I know you do.