The Pure Luciferian Doctrine Revealed - William Cooper

"Read everything, Listen to everybody. Don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your own research."

William Cooper

Luciferianism constitutes the nucleus of the ruling class religion. While there are definitely political and economic rationales for elite criminality, Luciferianism can account for the longevity of many of the oligarchs' projects. Many of the longest and most brutal human endeavors have been underpinned by some form of religious zealotry. The Crusades testify to this historical fact. Likewise, the power elite's ongoing campaign to establish a socialist totalitarian global government has Luciferianism to thank for both its longevity and frequently violent character. In the mind of the modern oligarch, Luciferianism provides religious legitimacy for otherwise morally questionable plans...(continue here):


DonnyDarkoh said...

I like a lot of cooper's material.

This video confuses me even more though. Luciferians don't believe in Lucifer?

And that's like the tenth version of the Adam and Eve story I've heard.

another version of Adam/Eve is that Lucifer = the Snake, and it liberated Adam/Eve with knowledge. But it told them that they could make a sacrifice in the name of Lucifer and be free. Lucifer the libertarian.

another version, the aliens guarded the garden, and Adam/Eve got intelligent and escaped. The torch/light was this alien tower and search light.

I think one Gnostic version is that the garden's your body, and the snake teaches you to get out of it with knowledge. The creator of this earth says that knowledge is bad, because he wants you to stick around.

Unknown said...

Hi Donny,

May be this will help. Here is Adam & Eve ...

The First Man and Woman – Adam and Eve – Atom and Eye
The first human creations referred in the judeo/christian bible are Adam and Eve. Simply put, Adam is the Atom, the first man. Eve is the Coming of the LIGHT, the light emanating from the ATOM. Therefore, the names Adam and Eve are referring to the Atom’s Light, or the Atom’s EYE, or again, the ALL SEEING EYE. This is the Ayin of judaism, where something is created out of nothing. The essence of kabbalism is thinking a thought of corresponding sound and shape, and matter appears. This is the light of the Atom and the light of the Eye. This is the duality nature, the DIVIDED LIGHT, of the whole 3 dimensional world. This is the illusion the great and loving god created around us. This was deliberately and intentionally done so that we would experience the illusion of death, and through this illusion, be manipulated into fear and guilt through the concept of SIN, and the ONLY WAY OF ESCAPE would be to call out to the SAVIOUR GOD to RESCUE US from our pitiful selves. Quite the fucked up scam when you get right down to it.

The prince of darkness – The angel of light.

The Real Illuminati Agenda
The luciferian illuminati agenda is not just to create a world society controlled by fascism, communism, capitalism, socialism, and every other “ism” all rolled up into one. Their ultimate desire is for humanity to cling to this illusory 3D existence.

We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me … to us! We are full of indignation. We want to keep our health, our wealth, our comfort, our guns … and the freedom to move about at will. This is how we succumb to the great liar of the universe, and yet all the while we thought we were doing a good and godly thing. Not realizing for an illusory moment that our 3 dimensional experience, which we call our LIFE, is the great illusion, and the UNIVERSE itself is completely NON-EXISTENT.