What do YOU see?


DonnyDarkoh said...

Nice video. Such obvious concepts. Steel doesn't melt with fire; buildings don't suddenly pulverize and free fall.

Last week, I was sitting in a pizza restaurant with my friends. My doctor friend said "I was watching a National Geographic where they debunked the 911 conspiracies. And they showed steel melting by a hydrocarbon fire in a furnace".

Maddening. I said something about there being a difference between open flame fires and fires inside furnaces, but his eyes were already glazed over before I opened my mouth, and I could tell the conversation was already over. It was time to move on to the next BS topic.

I love that Madrid tower on fire compared with the WTC on fire. I mean, if steel really melted with open flame hydrocarben fires, then people would be ultra-scared of smoking in buildings.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


I'm done trying to expalin anything to the SHEEPLE. They don't get it. In most cases, no matter what you say or what you show them...they don't and won't get anything. They are too brainwashed. I get more satifastion beating my head against a wall and that's a sad statement....Sorry, but we waste our time telling the sheep anything.


Anonymous said...

The Doctors of the world and sheeple in general are bought and paid for with the wealthy elites money.If they admitted the truth their worlds would crumble.They must at all cost continue with the status quo and stay at the top of the pyramid.Us misfits and thinkers out here on the internets are easily rebutted by the money power.The question is if the pyramid starts to crumble would they just nuke the whole world rather than live in a more sane egalitarian world without their blessed power and money.