So wise and true


DonnyDarkoh said...

There's optimism and pessimism, I always attempt to be more a realist. I try not to shut my eyes to any truth I happen to see because it doesn't feel good.
But even if you are a so called "realist", you can still look forward to things. What if we're all correct and there's going to be a bioweapon swine flu epidemic. Maybe we can still have things to look forward to - like a better economic future, less traffic (OK I'm a horrible person to look forward to a time after a potential pandemic), a different culture where we'll have chemtrails instead of bloody wars; just adapt and enjoy the change; and if you believe in reincarnation, maybe all the people who will be swept off can come back in a country that's better off than Bangladesh where there's actually jobs, housing, and food. I don't know if you saw that movie SlumDog Millionaire, but after you watch it, you kinda think that lifekill might be a good thing because people will continue to reproduce until they're eating out of dumpsters or learn in schools with 3 kids to a desk. There's always something to look forward to, even if you do predict a catastrophe.

I've thought of this optimism phenonemon before - partying and having a good time up until a disaster. I remember going to Guatemala last year. And I'm leaving to go to Ecuador tomorrow. The people in Latin America have a much lower standard of safety. They have NO carseats. They have tons of earthquakes, yet they still live on top of earthquake-ville. They have volcanoes that will definitely blow their tops in the future. And they drive around these "one" to "one and one half" lane roads on the sides of steep mountains hoping that another car won't be coming in the other direction. (I just signed my last will and testament to prepare for this trip). What good is it to worry? Unless you grab a carseat, build yourself an earthquake safe house, and avoid dangerous roads, worrying would be stupid. Just have a good time until you die. Have 4 kids instead of 2, and just lose 2 of them out of your third world lifestyle. Survival of the fittest and luckiest baby. Eat drink and be merry. Death is painful regardless of whether you're an optimist or pessimist. Being a pessimist doesn't help unless you're also risk adverse and take actions to protect your rear end.

Unknown said...

I Like This Vid. Thanks Master!


Anonymous said...

your welcome darkstar

have a safe trip Donny
How about being an optimistic realist?