True power is hidden

I love this man's way of thinking.

Here it is without the music.This is for those ready to quit playing games and smash your ego.


Unknown said...

Stuart Wilde is basically saying what we have discussed over & over again. I like his approach. We certainly should listen to what he has to say.

Why, in this 3D world of ours, are the sheeple or the other mindless fucks of the hive followers not getting this concept. It just seems to me to be plain stupidity. Understand some of it at least. No excuses please. This is so easy if you just let it in. Open your mind morons.

My my, do we have to beat people with a club for them to see? (rhetorical question!)

Nothing, thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Thx for the post Darkstar.I am finding more and more authors ,bloggers etc. who are all coming to the same conclusions about the world situation.It is as if a collective consciousness is spreading around the globe.It is best summarized by IlluminatiMatrix.People like Stuart Wilde,celtic rebel,and dedroidify,and even some Hives fans are starting to get it and are spreading the message in their own ways.

DeKn:EW said...

Great video you found there nothing, thanks for sharing it with me(us, whoever us is.)

DarkStar888, you cannot wake people up if they are not willing to do so themselves. If they are willing and wanting then you should be there for them. Everyone else is still asleep they haven't heard their alarm clock go off yet. Some hears it and hit the snooze button for more sleep they need. Slowly but surely there will be more.


Anonymous said...

Yes Dekn,this video truly moved me.My ego has held me back for so long.i am blessed that people like Stuart can help me on my spirit journey.

Unknown said...

Well said DeKn.

I try to maintain the idea of not forcing opinion on people. They almost always reject & recent it anyway.

It's hard to hold your anger in & keep control of emotions & your wits about you. I find one way to dealing with anger, is not to have it to begin with. In other words, go without fear & kill the anger not the messenger.

Hard to do for many, harder to do for most and just as hard to do for me. Work at it ever moment.

As you say "If they are willing and wanting then you should be there for them."

Old saying: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear".

The blog comments is one way of checking to see if a few alarm clock's are ready to ring...even if they don't know it.

It's a balancing acting isn't it? It take experience to present the opportunity to pick your own path.

You did. I did. Nothing did. Many people have. Not enough unfortunately for them & the rest of the world.

I feel my heart beat when I read comments that carry content to help us (me) learn.

- DarkStar :)

DonnyDarkoh said...

Nice video.
Why does religion always say you have to get together with someone else and form a church or brotherhood? I was reading some Wicca for the first time, and it said that the material was of course the "real religion" but you had to go out and find a coven or group to get the true knowledge and practice the rituals the "right way".
So once you get together with your special cult, then the cult requires you to go to the Sunday service, then the Wednesday service, and then the Friday night volleyball game, and then donations, etc. etc., and it simply is another way to spin your wheels and let the matrix benefit from your energy. Religions have to have some nuggets of truth for people to believe them, so they're not all completely useless, but you need to learn to practice individually. Waking up is an individual process. If you find a like minded person along the path that can exchange ideas, then great.

If someone searched and found the
exit door, do you think they'd leave it open and tell others how to get through it?

Agreed, Hives stuff is the same way. The masons form a pyramid and divide it up according to the food chain to mimic nature. And so the predators are near the top. Hence all the "eat them" sheep talk. Maybe you don't have to donate money to be part of that club, but you have to spread the predator doctrine within the lines he's drawn for you to be in their inner butt pirate blog. Your blog is obviously focusing on getting outside the pyramid. So you're not playing by the rules of the game.

Anonymous said...

Religion is a hoax to get people to come together and waste their spirit power. It is then soaked up and used by hyperdimensional beings to further enslave us in this matrix of lies.Anytime you want ,you can quit giving away your power to this stupidity and keep it for yourself.

The leaders of religions also feed off the power.Their massive egos stop them from admitting what they know,that it is all lies.

Now if you had a group that got together with no hierarchy or dogma.Just coming together to talk and help each other I might join that group.I think it is healthy to give your power and receive power in truth with egos left at the door.

I learned alot from the nemesis videos,they really changed my viewpoint.I was stuck spiritually and he motivated me to keep growing and learning without getting hung up on others opinions .

I will keep looking for the side door knowing that some day we will all rest again in the arms of god,paradise.

JediTheOne said...

Not only Religion is a hoax. The whole universe and everything in it is a 3D illusion (light from atoms). Photons & force fields...just like the Holographic Deck in Star Trek or The Matrix. Yes even Science & the so called "Laws of Nature" that the Elite/Illuminate follow, as an excuse to kill people, sheeple or all fake.