DeKn:EW said...

this video is so good.. thanks I am going to talk about it on my blog also, I have something interesting to comment about this video.

Thanks again


Anonymous said...

Yes ,very important info here.This needs to be spread far and wide.It's time we took back our consciousness from the msm.I have quit watching tv and listening to the radio,and try to stay away from msm print.If more people knew about this it would be a better world for sure.Listening to your own thoughts and dreams is much healthier than killing your soul with pop culture.How can you create your own world if some stupid Lady Gaga tune is playing over and over in your head.Or if your afraid of the latest msm crisis:pirates,al qaeda,bad economy,swine flu,econocide,unemployment,crime,global warming etc etc etc.

Looking forward to your writings about this.

ldrancer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

ldrancer said...
"you guys pay too much attention to the propoganda"

Could you please explain what you mean by calling this video, giving too much attention to "Propoganda".

What propoganda are you talking about?


Unknown said...

Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT / THOTH

"At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian / illuminati agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being described are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion, through the THOUGHT PROCESS and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM. Who we really are, is not the illusory body of humanity numbering in the billions. We are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the ULTIMATE EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed to separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under their intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the mythical gods of old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the fabricated minds we’re certain are our minds. Yet, these minds that we use to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds, fabricated to receive the THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful stillness and knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are."


Anonymous said...

Thanks Darkstar

Idrancer are you saying this video is propoganda?

I wouldn't be alive if I wasn't exposed to propoganda,the task is to filter out the negative disinfo and concentrate on what is healthy ,true,and interesting.This video is the kind of info that helps one disingage from the propoganda.

Maybe you could guide me on what I need to be concentrating on.I am always looking for the good stuff.

One thing you should know is I am a free agent and am not representing any group or race.You will only find a search for truth and goodness on this blog.Now if the price were right,I would be glad to represent your point of view if it were to my taste.It doesn't even have to be money,make me an offer.

Looking forward to your participation.

JediTheOne said...

WTF? Propoganda? Idrancer...are you fucking on drugs? The only thing I found in this video..was truth. What do you see...?


Anonymous said...

idrancer is disinfo instigator,when you click on his name you are taken to a porno site.

Unknown said...

Nothing...please delete Idrancer. That is one big asshole.

ldrancer said...

how is it you do not. haha i just watched some show. ..
what do you mean by his website takes you to a porn thing. ill write it here.
thats what i wrote. you people who live in china because you get up later.

Anonymous said...

Really coherent well thought comment idrancer.is that a picture of you when I click your name?

Welcome to nowhere,we needed a court jester?Feel free to comment about any topic.The interesting photos will help us get to know you better.

ldrancer said...

yea thats my picture im really popular. people know me as goatsex. how fucking stupid are you thats not me. but it sure is funny when someone links a website to say its them. what would make anyone post a website and say its them. i tell you what hurry and do it then ill tell you to go and fuckyourself. then we can go outback, and ill kick your ass, and we can call it a day? OH MAN IM SO MAdDDDD. FAGGOT

JediTheOne said...

I don't know Nothing, about keeping him around. I like a court jester to, but he's not even funny. If he tells us some jokes...maybe we'll keep him & form a secret society?

You know I believe in the 1st ammendement to freedom of speech on our blogs but this person is just being an "asshole". hehe

Gee, maybe it's Dante trying to get back at us. lol

If it was me, I'd ban his ass...literally. Idrancer is an idiot.

Hey Idrancer, since you are here, can you actually post an intelligent comment, seriously dude? Or are you going to continue with your ignorant mind fucked attitude. And as for going going out back to kick some ass...what you going to grab me trough the internet? Stupid jerk. I can always tell the weak minded, they boast but are cowards, they say things but it's only verbal diaherria & they act like they know something but it's only an act. You get the point

Oh. Don't get me wrong, I love morons. They are so easy to trash & they have no power to fight back because they have "nada" for brains, or shit-for-brains, and they always seem to prove it. Cool.

Oh if you want to really get involed Idrancer, here is a great blog for you. I'll bet you won't post there. Because you are chicken shit! But please try though, it's great fun. There are all kinds of sheeple just like you. They'll love you as well...



DeKn:EW said...

No point even acknowledging that he exist in this world why even bother responding. He is just here for the drama. He lives in the drama moment. That is why he is here.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Agreed DeKn. But you know Jedi, he just needed to release his anger. lol

ldrancer said...

haha this is too funny.
what i meant jedi guy dumbass you ever heard the saying, and it's what i meant what you got out of it your such a dumbass, and i still meant it anyway. no im not gay so i don't want in any secret society. see what the bohemian grove does. What sort of smart shit are you talking about? filling your brain up with nonsesne you idiots spout.
oh yea jedi, you mad? the saying is lets go out back and let me kick you in the ass and we'll call it a day. Ok so guys, know your mad, fags. tell me what dumb shit to fill my mind with all day to pretend im smart like you idiots do all day on the internet. knowing this or that certain thing don't mean shit. and i could do a race, sorta thing, who knows more about this or that, topic, like how to grow,
wanting to know stuff is different than you idiots. go ahead show me plenty of stuff, i use it for knowledge, unlike you guys.
I love when you guys get mad. its so funny i laugh all day. i like to laugh.
please help me laugh more. more laughing please.
ill take your ass out back, and kick you in the ass, and we'll call it a day. it's from a fucking movie, a chevy chase movie, GO FUCKYOURSELF jedi. dumb dick. and everyone knows that movie, i hope your mad, cause i know you are because, .. just be mad its funny.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog idrancer.What are you interested in?Do you have a blog?Where do you live?

You could prolly kick my ass,and yes most of the time I am a dumb ass.That is why I want any knowledge you may have to offer.

I know you read hives blog,so we have something in common.I might send him some money out of gratitude for the nemesis videos,we'll see.Are you going to donate?

It's ok to write dumb shit here,I like to troll sometimes to.cya o

JediTheOne said...


OK, I'm entertained. You are right Nothing, every blog needs a pet. Looks like you got one. lol

I to welome Idrancer with open arms. Group hug! Oh...I like that.

Love & Peace,

JediTheOne :-)