Please watch this.It could save your life.

Be sure to take calcium supplements along with the vit D.


DonnyDarkoh said...
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DonnyDarkoh said...

I took calcium and Vitamin D for about 2 years. But I stopped taking it b/c I read that the supplemental form of Vitamin D can block your body from the more beneficial Vitamin D you get from the sun. And your body doesn't use most of the Calcium from a supplement. (More on my blog if you care to read about it)

carlosanto said...

Thanks for the info vid.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Any position is debatable,for sure.Six months of no sun here in Germany,so I am trying it.So far i am feeling really good.I am only taking an extra 1400 iu.

Unknown said...

I don't believe GOD or the lies the other doesn't exist!

Sun scare has left us D-eficient
The Washington Times sure is behind on the times. The paper recently reported that “Sunshine vitamin stirs new debate.”

Where have they been? The debate has been raging for years between sunscreen manufacturers (who spend BILLIONS to convince you that the sun is your worst enemy) and people who know that the sun-will-kill-you myth is just that… a myth.

But what’s bringing it to the forefront this time around is a soon-to-be released book called The Vitamin D Solution by Dr. Michael Holick. Five years ago, Holick got fired from his position as a dermatology professor at the Boston University School of Medicine because of his sun stance.

But that didn’t shut him up. And now, thanks to books like his – and a growing body of research – people are finally starting to see the aftermath of decades of hiding from the sun has done.

It isn’t pretty.

As you know, sunlight is one of the best sources of vitamin D. This nutrient helps boost your immune system, fight cancer, lower your risk of osteoporosis, control blood pressure, improve insulin resistance, and so much more. And, of course, when you don’t get enough of it, you’re opening yourself up to all sorts of problems.

One new study published in Clinical Endocrinology confirms earlier research, which shows that the less D you have, the sooner you’ll kick the bucket.

Believe me, you don’t just want this stuff – you need it.

That’s why it’s so alarming that more than 50 percent of the world’s population is suffering from a deficiency in vitamin D – and Americans are in the worst shape of all. According to Consumer Reports on Health, more than three quarters of Americans – 77 percent, to be exact – suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

Holick told the Washington Times that this deficiency is “probably the most common nutritional and medical condition in the world.”

The best way you can correct that is to spend at least 15 minutes a day soaking in the sun.

I know you hear that nonsense about how the sun causes skin cancer so often that it’s hard not to believe it. But believe me when I say that not all skin cancer is equal. The most common skin cancers linked to sun exposure are nothing to worry about and can be treated with quick outpatient procedures.

Deadly melanomas – the skin cancer you SHOULD worry about – are far rarer and are actually caused by not getting enough sun! Studies have shown that a lack of sun can even make these cancers worse.

So get outside, bask in the sun, and use a little common sense. Don’t use sunblock (which has also been linked to cancer) and simply get inside before you burn.

JediTheOne said...


Let me add that you DON't need a suplmnt pill for vitamin D. Don't take them. Most are bullshill and the pratcice can be dangerious. Vit D accumulatls in the body and you can take too much. It is the sunshine vitamin for a reason, as you know the skin converter sunlight to D. well it's actually ulta-vilolet light that you need.

So you can suplmnt with Omega 3 fish Oils from The Carlson Company as example. Or get a UV light in the house. Yes light a "grow" light and simplely use it to expose yourself a few mins a day. Do it while at the computer as an example, etc. You see what I mean?

I'm a big fan & advocate of supplimentation of our diets...but I like to do it as naturally as possible, the way the body's works best! Not how science dictates! All our anwsers are right in front of us, it's so OBVIOUS!

(Intellectualism = SCIENCE / SEANCE)

Nuff said!

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