This new belief system is referred to as everything from infinite love to new age thinking, channeling, wholistic healing, etc. …but it’s still polarity based on duality and absolutely entrenches the 3 dimensional belief that energy and light is the basis of truth. Certainly some physical health benefits have been rediscovered in some ways, but health for the body without complete awareness, is temporal and extremely misleading and a manipulation of reality. The medical drug system is so flawed, and purposely flawed, to allow room for new age light workers to come up with improved healing techniques. From this, it has appeared, that they must be filled with wisdom and insight. Not so however, as improved healing techniques are simply walking deeper in the ditch of ignorance from which it is much harder to escape. The purpose of humanity is not to see how much health or prosperity we might attain. Neither are we here to worship a God in exchange for an eternity of peace and bliss.


To BECOME AWARE that the whole body of HUMANITY IS AN ILLUSION, an utter fabrication, that the 3D experience, and the conjured up body of humanity, IS the veil of deceit that makes it utterly impossible to rationally conceive that it, humanity itself, is the deception keeping the disconnection from reality intact. This is what we must come to recognize.

PINK FLOYD - Another Brick in the Wall.

We are already in our Paradise State!

We are already perfect, pure, eternal and ALL KNOWING. And WE are NOT this body of humanity, neither are we this 3D illusory mass of energy and spirit. We are WISDOM! We KNOW ALL! We have to learn NOTHING! If it wasn’t for the THOUGHT PROCESS that indoctrinates the elitists, that IT, the THOUGHT PROCESS itself has conjured up, we would be AWARE and PRESENT and completely reconnected to eternally drinking from the fountain of wisdom in our Paradise State. For we are the Paradise state!

The THOUGHT PROCESS is the TRANCE STATE. The THOUGHT PROCESS is the 3D realm. Remaining emotionally connected to things of the 3 dimensional realm, keeps us in this TRANCE, and conversely, detaching emotionally from believing that any of this is real, allows the realization and power of the eternal state to be ours, RIGHT NOW.

'Atheism = no purpose for humanity' feat Monty Python!

Paradise Lost

For this reason humanity spends its physical life trying to reconnect to the awareness lost. We want to return to our original knowing state, but always seem to lose our way. We continue to lose our way until we become conscious that the luciferian egregore, or the creator god, is not a loving god, or a divine creator, but deliberately aims to manipulate who we really are, and to destroy our connection to the eternal wisdom state. It is this eternal state, and awareness of this paradise state, that stands between absolute power and worship for the luciferian entities, who can thereby fabricate an eternal state of subservience, in turn directing all the power of the eternal state unto themselves.

Trying to reconnect to our awareness may take on different forms of sexual orientation, or an active sex life. There is, with sex, no such thing as sin, therefore no right or wrong sexual orientation. The sin concept is derived from manipulating the light, and when the light is divided all sorts of legalism concerning right and wrong is suggested and attached to the limitless colours, shapes and sounds.

In our original state of awareness, there is no light or energy. There is NO SPIRIT and NO SOUL. Each man and woman, is without form, without division, and are not man and woman. This differs from the 3D state in that there are no physical forms to deceive, causing the ecstasy to end. Simply put, we are complete in awareness in the wisdom state, and the ecstasy of being one in union is constant and eternal. There is no division, no individuality, no male or female in the Paradise State. We are not WE, which denotes individuals, or division, but we are WISDOM and the ultimate state of being, and we are that WISDOM ALREADY. We just have to reconnect to who we already are.


The subliminals in these 2 words alone, will be used repeatedly throughout the implementation of the luciferian agenda, as it unfolds towards its hoped for goal of total control.

The Highwaymen - Highwayman Music Video -
Johnny Cash-Willie Nelson-Waylon Jennings-Kris Kristoffersen.


JediTheOne said...

Good post DS. Problem is, the SHEEPLE won't LISTEN!

Intellectualism is indoctrination in the spirit of sun worship. As mentioned before, the SPIRIT and the SUN, or SOUL, are illusions. In spite of these illusory concepts intellectualism has become common place in our modern world, and it is all but impossible to think of it as anything but normal. However, the world societies have drifted into the clutches of this mind trap, carrying our connection to reality with it, and as a result we now face the spectacle of immense destructive luciferian events, foretold for thousands illusory years. We now face the contrived JUDGMENT of GOD!

Nuff Said!

ldrancer said...

god your all stupid, i wish you would stop getting information so you'd die of vitamin defiecnetnies and shit. so you'd think that your plastic food would fill you. you all so stupid. some bullshit that i ahve to explain evolution not being needed when it's a good idea, but not good enough for some faggot who couldn't explain the any other way to make the same thing work but they want to try and emulate, every fucking thing when they suck.

you guys deserve no information i wished you'd stop getting the good information. your fucking liars and put this shit here for no reason, your assholes.

ldrancer said...

and just so common sense wouldn't be enought for your dumb ass to read what i put, your a fucking idiot the guy said evolution is it, if you disagree then you have to explain, oh then every fucking thing and hold the little babies hand is how it goes, YEA nice fucking video.
i disagree with evolution, and what they say, it's theory is gone in no time, and how abut it's a good idea and common sense, ... again, then yo uexplain how it would go another way, then and all you try to do is emulate and suck at everything, die.