GSK To Test Its Vaccines On Children In Germany!

GSK to test its vaccines, classified as bioweapons under EU and US regulations, on children in Germany as programme to mass vaccinate speeds up

July 25, 2009 by birdflu666

The swine flu vaccine is a money-making eugenics scam. Don't fall for it. Do some research into flu vaccines to find out what they contain, and the adverse effects they have had on many people. Whenever you take any medication, the pharmaceutical company is obliged by law to provide you with a list of ingredients contained in that medication. This is absolutely necessary for a number of different reasons. For example, you might be allergic to some of the ingredients. However, with any kind of flu vaccine, most patients are not given a list of ingredients. We already know that flu vaccines contain, amongst other things, mercury derivatives. Mercury is a toxic substance that never leaves your body.


Glaxo Smith Kline is starting trials for the H1N1 “swine flu” vaccine on chiildren in Germany in spite of warnings from a virologist that there could be dangerous side effects.

Alexander KekulĂ© from University (Universität) Halle-Wittenberg told Germany’s FOCUS magazine in an edition to be printed on Sunday that these trials could have significant “side effects” for children.

The GSK “vaccines”, classified as bioweapons under EU and US regulations, contain adjuvants proven to cause death and injury.

Chillingly, German GSK doctors are reported to be scouring the country for “appropriate” subjects and children to test their toxic bioweapon on.

Full report in German:

Novartis, the Swiss pharmaceutical company responsible for killing scores of people in Poland last summer in “bird flu” vaccine trials, is reported to have begun “trials” in Europe.

The use of mass vaccination to kill and injure was recognised by the Nazi Germans, who used them on their own population and on the French during the second world war.

In 1939, Nazi Germany began compulsory vaccinations for diphtheria in spite of the fact that diptheria had declined sharply due to simple sanitary measures and better nutrition and cases of diphtheria had become neglible. Following this country-wide vaccination program Germany had a diphtheria epidemic of 150,000 cases.

After the Nazi German occupation of France in the second world war, the Nazis forced France to carry out a mass diphtheria vaccination program and France suffered a diphtheria epidemic in 1943 of 47,000 cases following the vaccinations. In Norway, which refused to carry out the diphtheria vaccinations, there were only 50 diphtheria cases in 1943.

Also, Greece was one of the few countries that did not vaccinate against the Spanish flu in 1918-1919. It was also one of the only countries with neglible numbers of deaths from the Spanish flu.

- DarkStar888 -


ldrancer said...

go take vaccines, yum

Unknown said...

YEAh...I'm going to rush right out and order two SHOTS...just incase the first one doesn't fucking kill me. :)

ldrancer said...

ya and ill order another one too. ill just have them replace my blood with mercury and cancer cells, and disease. im sure that is goo.d

Unknown said...

well I'm heading for the Hills soon and have a farm on my Freemans Land. Time to leave this shit-hole of a country; it has gone down hill fast...and I'm talking about the not so Great USA.

Actually I'll take all the flu VACCINES for myself so no-one else has to...will they go for that? Hmmm...think not.


Unknown said...

Oh right, I can't take all the flu shots myself because I don't have BILLIONS of $ to buy all of them...oh shit, now what? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning ds,I'll make sure my sons don't get any shots from the neo nazis.

ldrancer said...

replace your blood with the shit, it's the shit. i have h5n1 blood. but you don't get the propoganda in all this shit. h5n1 lab leaks shit on purpose. everyone knows about it. swine flu. total shit. they don't tell what is actually happenning. bird flu. bird flu is h5n1. they don't call it the real name h5n1 because... what would people remember and say hey whats all this shit no info. it's not that people don't know there's no info. they call it bird flu. pure bullshit. total bunch of crap. thank you thank you i use my brain, and fuck all of you all. who don't. hahaha includes 100 percent of you.

Unknown said...

ldrancer said...
"replace your blood with the shit, it's the shit. i have h5n1 blood. but you don't get the propoganda in all this shit. h5n1 lab leaks shit on purpose. everyone knows about it. swine flu. total shit. they don't tell what is actually happenning. bird flu. bird flu is h5n1. they don't call it the real name h5n1 because... what would people remember and say hey whats all this shit no info. it's not that people don't know there's no info. they call it bird flu. pure bullshit. total bunch of crap. thank you thank you i use my brain, and fuck all of you all. who don't. hahaha includes 100 percent of you."

We know all about the BIRD FLU (H5N1). It's a man made Military BIOWEAPON & its was made from the Spanish AKA Avrin Flu.

Now as for you, for some one who claims to be INTELLIGENT, you sure do post a lot of non-sense (that's another experession for stupid fucking shit)! Why do you even bother to come to the blogs? Just to annoy people?

Oh, you don't need to answer the questions because I already know the answers.


P.S. Master...your most welcome my friend. Do what you need to for protection of your family.

ldrancer said...

oh yea your right, hey i have cacky pance, guess you would never think i play any kind of games eh. oh well. back to my golf. dumb fucker