omg icke is a reptilian


carlosanto said...

Again this effect is normal light condition when in camera, I work in a studio... I know.

DonnyDarkoh said...

omg what did I do before we had these blogs?
I mean, I live for a good UTube comment.
"david icke is a douche bag not a reptile "
"reptilians exposing reptilians"

Anyways, I think every "myth" has a little truth and a lot of lie. I seriously wish I had the scoop on the reptilian myth.

I mean, does the "shapeshifting" concept simply mean that they are luciferians or something shapeshifting as Christians by day and crazy 666ers on ritual days? Is it as simple as that? I do kinda wish though there was something cooler too it.

Anonymous said...

i have seen people first hand do this with their tongues,work with a guy that does it.They were somewhat weird in a lizardy way for sure.Dont be afraid of them stand up to them,lizards need love to.

Unknown said...

"Royal Elite Bloodline Shapeshifting" by Bryan Kemila

"Since going public with this information I have had occasion to meet with, and talk to, individuals who have genetic links to royal families. In other instances, people who have no knowlegde of bloodline links to the elite of the world, have witnessed strange phenomena, which is not supposed to occur. That phenomena is called morphing or shape-shifting. This is the physical change of a persons appearance to that of a creature bearing reptilian characteristics. One such instance occurred to an individual completely by accident. Never having read or heard of such events at the time of their morphing, this individual was completely stunned at what was occurring. According to this persons recollection, it only took 2 or 3 seconds to change from a normal human facial form, to one where the eyebrows became large and bushy and extended forward a great distance. The face flattened out becoming like that of a snake or lizard. Green scales appeared all over the face. The nose became a lengthened snout and the eyes formed vertical slits.

This was an extremely frightening experience for this individual and repeats the story to virtually no one. The event happened only once, because the person knew what thought entered the mind to initiate the shape shift. This person’s intent is to not enter that thought pattern again as it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

I relate this story, only to underscore the fact, that with the thought form process of the luciferian mind all manner of illusions can be created. To call it an illusion doesn’t mean its not physically real according to the 3 dimensional physical way of reasoning things. For it is, that we are all illusions, within the hypnotic trance state. It’s all a lie and deceit, but it is what we’re experiencing. This person experienced the illusion, it really occurred, but its all a lie." part 1

Unknown said...

part 2

Grays – Aliens – Y-Rays Of Light

Just as the little Greys of UFO fame are real illusions, so to, are the reptilian shape shifting forms, real deceptions. The word Grays, reveals just what these things are.

GRAYS = G or Y – RAYS = EYE RAYS. In other words, Grays are simply rays of light.

As the words are deciphered for their true meaning, what becomes obvious is that the thought process cannot prevent itself from stating what the deception is. The thought process has to reveal what the deception is. This is called subliminal messaging. The only thing available to the thought process, so as not to be detected, is to create a diversion, or misdirection, a deception or a lie. These lies and deceit must contain the correct information, albeit in hidden form. Without the correct information, there will no subliminal or hypnotic misdirection. Some of the techniques used will be reverse symbolism, mirrored, or reverse speech patterns, sound and shape similarities, neuro-linguistic programming, as well as any other technique that might manipulate the subconscious from connection to reality.

In the case of both the Greys and the Reptilian shape shifting occurrences, these are not creatures from another planet or star constellations. These are egregore thought forms created by the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, all to add confusion, and a whole lot of distraction from the real scenario which is going to unfold.

An example of this genetic heritage and the knowledge that is passed along through genetics, can be seen in the Monarch Butterfly. This pretty little creature leaves Canada, dies along the way as it migrates to Mexico, but before it succumbs it leaves a new generation of butterflies. This group continues the trek to Mexico, but they too, die along the way. The offspring from this second generation continues diligently on to Mexico, to the same region that the many previous generations migrated to. These butterflies have never been to Mexico, but they knew where to go. Then the migration starts back to Canada, with the same death and regeneration, and they arrive back to the same region without fail. The genetics are passed along from generation to generation, if, this interbreeding remains constant. So it is with the luciferian minded thinkers. They have this kaballism knowledge of how to control energy and know how to manipulate light. In other words, they know how to manifest deceit. Furthermore, they worship the bringer of this light energy who is called god, satan, or by definition, lucifer. Through deceitful wordgames, this luciferian group of entities have caused the masses around the world to worship it as a supreme god, and from this, every world religion, large and small, worship this group entity. This entity is the ancient sun god of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt." (From today’s date of October, 2007).