The State uses violence,war,and racism to control us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very Very Brave Man. I will say; One day there will be Presidents, Kings, Queens, Prime Minsters, Popes, Leaders of all kinds, etc...that will FUCKING wish they had given a speech so POWERFUL, So Meaningful & Full of Truth that it can move you to the "Core" (from the heart). The awesome emotion that is felt through his words, expressions, eyes & energy! I would stand next to this man any day.

Thank you for the wonderful post my good friend Master. You inspire people to think beyond this small uninspiring world we all try to to get along & live in....! I plan to expand on this topic, find more information and do a post. I'll do an extended version, like a "GodFather II". :)

But it does it work?

It's moments like these, while listening to the Vet's Speech, where I'm very glad to be alive. Why? Because to beable to see in this lifetime, human beings standing up & actually BEING a Human Being, with Honor, as we call it!

This Matrix isn't working is it?

Peace to all.
