New IlluminatiMatrix update:page 6

The luciferian thought process is delivering its insanity upon the world through the political and military systems. This much we know. What is not so easily recognized, is that they want to be found out. They want and need to generate massive amounts of revenge and retaliation energy. They’re using the modern day new age and wholistic thinkers to act as a polarity platform. The new thought, from whatever source it originates, is still obsessed with the number based system, and because of that, is supporting the luciferian masterplan to dominate humanity. All this information that is flooding into mainstream thinking is nothing more than a manipulation tool to generate the energy for the final push to declare control by the Lion King, the Lincoln, the Royal ION, we refer to as ORION.

So what do we do? Quite frankly, expose them and don’t react. Much of the information obtained today is accurate. However, we must not react to the information. We must wake up because of the information but we musn’t react. Reaction is what the luciferian illuminati thinkers want and we mustn’t give it to them. Anyone that tells us to react, get mad as hell, retaliate and resist, is perpetuating the thought process, and assisting in establishing the reality within the luciferian agenda which is a total hypnotic trance state. REACTION is FEAR, and FEAR is the fertile ground to instill hypnotic control, giving way to whatever reality the THINKERS desire that we experience.

Go to page 6 for the latest awesome info from Bryan Kemilla and his IlluminatiMatrix writings.


DonnyDarkoh said...

I agree with the "don't react" solution. Quite frankly, I don't give a fuck. They want people to be strongly left, right, christian, muslim, divided not united, or hardcore Satanist Luciferian Masonic, whatever, just pick a side and start shooting. I guess all the people who identify so strongly with their labels can have it out while I pull up a camping chair, make myself a margarita, and watch.

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