Please watch true


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nothing is more true, we are nothing but ugly monkees living in a giant zoo called Earth. Just one question, who are the ones visiting this zoo to watch us reproduce and eat bananas like we do with "real monkees? lol.

Anonymous said...

I can't really say for sure but I believe they come here for our

DeKn:EW said...

Messed up monkey... but none the less fun to watch haha.


Dante_Altair said...

ah yes, but it is by the will to be different that there are differences occuring between the animal monkey and the human monkey. We can still see the monkey we used to be because at one point, one monkey chose to stay put, while the other sought to progress (evolve). What you should really look for is where the next step up will take you.

Dante_Altair said...

I'm sorry, the real question is, do YOU want to take that next step?

Anonymous said...


Greetings,nice to see a new face around here.I am curious how you found this blog,let me know please if you don't mind.

I have been to the Dells ,very nice up there.Do you know a Jesse Defosse
there?I have a sister in Madison.

Glad you liked the video.